Sash window restoration self-assessment plan and main do and don’t

26th October 2023

If you don’t know what to do with your old period sash windows, here is a self-assessment guide and list of best practices to help you get started.

6 points sash window assessment plan

By following these 6 points, you will be able to self-assess your period wooden windows and draft the maintenance or repair plan.

We see many homeowners hire surveyors to assess their windows. In our opinion, it is not a necessary step, and the money spent on surveyors can be spent elsewhere. In fact, you can do the survey yourself just by following the 6 points below.

Inspect weather seals and draught-proofing

Check the condition of weather seals for cracks, gaps, or any other damage. If the window does not have a seal, an upgrade to a sash window with better insulation features may be required to stop cold air and heat loss.
If your timber windows are missing draught-proofing seals, that can be easily fixed by hiring local sash windows restoration specialists.
If you are looking to draught-proof your windows, this type of work will cost you £250-360 per window. However, if the windows are in need of more pulley repairs or the weights are missing, the cost will be higher.

Check installation quality

Ensure that your bespoke windows have been installed correctly and securely using the right tools, screws, weather strips etc. Poorly installed or fitted windows can create air leaks and cause draughts.

Check energy efficiency

Inspect the window insulation and glazing type to ensure it meets all necessary energy efficiency requirements. If possible, consider installing double-glazed units to original sashes for better insulation and reduced noise levels. Sash windows double-glazing enhance energy efficiency, reduce external noise, and improve insulation in homes while preserving the classic aesthetic of traditional sash windows.

There are many heritage double-glazed unit manufacturers here in the UK and EU which produce thin-profile yet highly thermally efficient glazing.

Consider security features

Ensure your sash windows have sufficient locks, latches or other security features to prevent unwanted access and ensure that windows are properly locked in case you have children in the house.

Assess paintwork

Examine the window frames and sills’ protective paint layer for signs of damage or fading, as this could hide rot and timber decay that will require refurbishment and repainting.

Take a pencil with you and poke the areas which look slightly gray or fading. If the pencil easily goes into the timber: bingo! You have rotten timber in your windows.

Ensure the regular maintenance schedule is followed

Regular maintenance of period sash windows is important to ensure they remain in good condition and continue to provide the insulation, security and aesthetics expected of them.

Ensure you follow a strict maintenance schedule for your windows, including cleaning, lubrication and inspection. This will help to prolong their lifespan and keep them functioning properly

Regular maintenance and upgrades are essential for the upkeep of your windows, so make sure you adhere to a strict schedule. Investing in quality materials or hiring a professional, reputable firm to deal with your windows.

Window restoration dos and don’t

  • Do ensure that suitable materials and techniques are used for restoration work. The seals, paint and any wood filler must be marked “suitable for wood” and “Exterior use”.
  • Don’t use paint, putty or caulk to cover up broken areas, rot or cracks; replace the rot with fresh timber. Repair is key to the longevity of your sash windows. If you see any signs of damage, it is important to address them as soon as possible. Failing to do so can lead to even more significant damage and a higher overall cost for repairs.
  • DO use traditional methods of craftsmanship in combination with modern practices and materials when repairing and restoring historic windows. You will achieve the best result by combining the best of both worlds.
  • DO replace broken glass panes with original materials when possible unless you change the single glazing to insulated heritage double glazing.
  • DO use appropriate weatherstripping and caulking to make sure that the windows are airtight
  • Don’t forget to inspect the window frames, sash and glazing regularly after restoration to ensure they remain in good condition. Window restoration is a significant investment, but it can be reduced with regular maintenance.
  • DO prioritize safety above all else when working with ladders or scaffolding around historic windows to avoid potential accidents. Make sure that you use proper safety equipment, such as hard hats.


As you can see from the above list of do and don’t and 6-point assessment list, the sash windows restoration is not rocket science if you follow a set of simple best practices and common sense. Save time and money on a professional surveyor by conducting your window assessment yourself.