Safety in the Transportation Business

10th May 2019

The transportation business is one that has a high demand. It is also an industry that is relatively competitive. This is because they provide a solution for businesses and individuals that need items moved from one point to another. If run well, a transportation business can be both sustainable and lucrative. However, as with most businesses, it does come with a level of risk to employees as well as employers. Here are some basic tips for safety in the transportation industry.

Ensure Education and Training

One of the most effective ways to ensure safety in a transportation business would be through education. This can take many shapes and forms with one being regular staff training. Update them on your health and safety policy while also making it your mission to test their knowledge. The best thing that you can do is to avoid assuming that employees know the right thing to do. Instead, continue telling them in engaging and interactive ways. You’ll find a few tips on training employees effectively below.

Be Flexible: In this digital age, flexibility is key. You should, therefore, consider combining both online and in-person training. This is because each type of training possesses its unique benefits. While in-person training can help them better retain information, with online information, they easily have something to refer back to when it comes to implementation.

Consider Mobile Apps: Another tip for effective training is to be open to technology like mobile training apps. Seeing as a significant number of people spend time on their mobiles, this would be ideal. Other benefits of these apps are that employees can stay up-to-date with the latest information and they can learn comfortably.

Encourage Employee Wellbeing

If you’re trying to improve safety in your transportation business, tackling wellbeing is necessary. This is because if your employees aren’t healthy, they won’t be able to work at their optimum levels and perform at their best. For this reason, encourage wellbeing by emphasizing the importance of getting regular health check-ups.

If one of your employees does get regular checkups, but something is missed by their health professional which results in an accident at work, they should take a look at as they provide free advice.

Carry Out Risk Assessment

Every business should carry out a risk assessment. However, this isn’t something that you should only do once. By doing risk assessments periodically, you’re able to identify any new risk that could negatively impact your employees. In turn, you can then mitigate the likeliness of such risks occurring. Below, you’ll find some useful tips on risk assessment.

Identify Hazards: When carrying out a risk assessment, it’s vital that you’re able to identify hazards. You can do this by making a note of what you’re planning to do in terms of activities, equipment, people, and processes to mention a few.

Figure Out Who’s at Risk: Knowing who is at risk as a result of being exposed to the hazards you’ve identified is critical. Think of the people who could, directly and indirectly, be impacted as this should help guide you to better control the risks.