Promenade Care Home is Rated ‘GOOD’ Yet Again – CQC

13th December 2017
An established Southport Care Home has yet again been rated as ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission.
The Commission explained their reasons for the rating:
“We looked at the care plans for four people receiving support at the service. Each record contained person-centred information which included physical and social information, life history, risks to people’s safety and reference to people’s choices and preferences. People told us they were involved with the care needs assessment and their plan of care.

“Staff were able to explain each person’s care needs and how they communicated these needs. People we spoke with and their relatives told us that staff had the skills and approach needed to ensure people were receiving the right care. Dietary needs were managed with reference to individual preferences and choice.

“People were supported to follow various social activities; these were arranged on a daily and very much appreciated by people living at Promenade Care Home. There was a relaxed friendly atmosphere in the home with plenty of chatter and laughter. A person said, “It’s so nice, we have lots of fun, I am never lonely here.”

“Staff received safeguarding training and staff interviews confirmed their knowledge around reporting procedures to the local authority and other external agencies. A staff member said, “I would always speak up for the residents.”

“Staff sought consent from people before providing support. When people were unable to consent, the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 were followed in that an assessment of the person’s mental capacity was made and decisions made in the person’s best interest.

“The service had complaints’ policy and procedure which was clearly displayed for people and their visitors to the home to view. Complaints logged had been investigated and responded to in accordance with this documentation. Recruitment checks had been undertake to ensure staff were ‘fit’ to work with vulnerable people. Medicines were stored and administered safely to people living at the service. People were encouraged to administer their own medicines where appropriate.

“Staff were trained in a range of subjects appropriate to the needs of people receiving support. This training was provided regularly, along with specialist training, for example, end of life care and formal qualifications in care to improve staff’s skill and expertise.

“The service was well managed and people using the service, relatives and staff were complimentary regarding the registered manager’s leadership. A person told us, “ A very good home to live in.”

“Systems and processes were in place to help assure and improve the overall quality of the service. The registered manager completed regular audits (checks) on how the service was operating. Any required actions were completed promptly and lessons learned shared with the staff to improve practice. It was evident that the registered manager and staff listened to what people had to say.”

Local councillor Tony Dawson said:

” The staff thoroughly deserve this continuing high CQC rating. The Promenade has always maintained an active approach to giving the best service it can to local residents. It is quite clear from the moment you come through the door that it is a family-run establishment trying hard to create a family atmosphere.”

Full report here:

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