Precious Europe, campaign promotes the environment protection and the sustainability of agricultural production.

24th May 2023

Precious Europe, a 3-year campaign concerning the promotion of European high-quality raisins and premium olive oil is being implemented. This campaign is addressed to the markets of the United Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland. 

Precious Europe campaign promotes the environment protection and the sustainability of agricultural production. One of the most significant challenges facing European agriculture in recent years has been climate change. Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns have had a significant impact on crop yields and quality. However, European farmers and food producers have been quick to respond to this challenge, and many are implementing sustainable and eco-friendly practices to mitigate the effects of climate change.

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European agriculture is also characterized by a strong commitment to animal welfare and food safety. The European Union has some of the strictest regulations in the world when it comes to animal welfare and food safety, and this has helped to ensure that European agricultural products are of the highest possible quality.

From diverse and fertile soils to time-honored techniques and cutting-edge technologies, European agriculture is at the forefront of quality and sustainability. By continuing to invest in research and development, and by implementing sustainable and eco-friendly practices, European farmers and food producers will continue to produce some of the world’s most renowned and high-quality agricultural products for generations to come.