Pleasureland partnership “great news” for Southport says Labour’s Liz

25th March 2019

News that Southport Pleasureland will go into strategic partnership with Sefton Council has been hailed as “Innovative and great news for the town”.

The Labour led authority and Pleasureland owner Norman Wallis aim to deliver a programme of improvement that is expected to support the creation of up to 1,000 new jobs over 10 years in the town, as well as adding more than £25million to the local economy each year.

Labour’s Candidate for Southport, Liz Savage, is confident that it’s this type of  cooperation between local business and the local authority which will lead to a revival in the town’s fortunes, commenting:

“I think Pleasureland’s Norman Wallis and our Labour Council, under Councillor Ian Maher’s leadership, should be highly commended for their hard work and vision in getting to this stage, it’s a real achievement that has true potential to help transform Southport’s fortunes. I believe this deal is innovative and great news for the town.”

The politician, who recently announced she is stepping down from her councillor role in Skelmersdale to step up her efforts to become Southport’s first Labour MP, says:

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“I’ve long supported the fact that the way forward for Southport is through ongoing cooperation with our Labour Council. We all want Southport to prosper and this deal confirms the Council Leader’s belief that our public and private sectors working together is a recipe for success.”

“It is far more productive and offers far more opportunity than any division being pushed by others locally.”

“Labour Metro Mayor Steve Rotherham recently addressed a Southport BID meeting and made clear the Combined Authority has a £500m strategic investment fund for the City Region that is definitely open to bids from Southport and that local business leaders should work with the local authority to present a strong case for a share of the funds. That could also make a massive difference locally.”

Norman Wallis says he and the Council’s leadership have a common goal of prosperity for Southport and also welcomed Liz Savage’s support, stating:

“This is just the start I hope of a revival for Southport as working together with the Council will get us far further as a town, I believe. Like the Council Leader and Cabinet members, Liz has been supportive of what we are trying to achieve and very much sees a brighter future for us all if we continue to harness a spirit of cooperation locally.”

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