Peoples Vote Campaign say ‘Vote tactically for John Wright in Southport’

13th November 2019

The People’s Vote campaign to Remain in the EU put a million people on the streets of London in a demonstration last month, including many from Southport.

The message which they are putting out today, 13th November 2019, is completely the opposite to that being put out by Brexiteer ‘attack dogs’.

Peoples Vote not only say tactical voting is important in Southport – they make clear that John Wright is ‘the candidate to support here.

Hi Southport!,

Let me introduce myself – my name is Caroline and I’m a proud People’s Vote activist.

Unfortunately, I’ve got some bad news for you. In our electoral system, Boris Johnson doesn’t need much more than a third of the votes to get a majority in Parliament for his dangerous hard Brexit. 

Sounds scary, right?

But here’s the good news – if just 30% of anti-Brexit voters vote tactically, we can stop him.

We now have a historic opportunity to change the course of history and elect a parliament who believes that the people should have the final say on Brexit.

Voting tactically is the best way to ensure that when the next parliament sits, there is a majority for a People’s Vote. That is why today we are launching our state-of-the-art tactical voting website

Click below to see our recommendation in your constituency!

With your help, we can win the right to have the final say on Brexit.


Caroline, Open Britain Berkshire and Reading