PAUL LAWRENCE, child sex predator JAILED

3rd January 2020

A 56-year-old child sex predator from Southport was caught with a schoolgirl while wearing only a dressing gown with a condom in his pocket.

Paul Lawrence showed no emotion in the dock as Judge Teague jailed him for six years and nine months.

The judge told him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register and comply with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for life.

Liverpool Crown Court heard today that the paedophile showered the “particularly vulnerable child” with expensive gifts.

But her mother became suspicious and, when police were contacted and raided his home, officers discovered them together.

Robert Dudley, prosecuting, said the girl’s mum discovered messages from Lawrence on her phone inviting her to “come and play”.

Her daughter assured her “nothing untoward” was going on. Afterwards, Lawrence bought the girl a new iPhone, which her mum did not have the PIN to access.

But the mum accessed the girl’s iPad and discovered a lewd message from Lawrence, inciting the girl to dress sexually for him.

The police raided Lawrence’s home, where they caught him – wearing only a dressing gown – with the girl.

Mr Dudley said: “There was a condom and tissues in the pocket of the dressing gown.”

Lawrence admitted sending the girl an “inappropriate message” and officers seized his phone, along with her iPhone and iPad.

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However, when interviewed by police, Lawrence said he couldn’t explain why he had sent the text and denied any wrongdoing.

Police discovered photos on the girl’s phone, showing Lawrence abusing her, but she refused to assist police and he made no comment.

He pleaded guilty to four counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

Lawrence, now of Whitegate Road, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, also admitted two counts of taking indecent photographs of a child.

Gerard Doran, defending, said his client pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

He said: “This defendant does not seek to shy away from his responsibility.

“He acknowledges that he was the adult, that he was in the wrong and whatever he did he is responsible for and he acknowledges he should be punished for it.”

Judge Thomas Teague, QC, said Lawrence knew how vulnerable his victim was.

He said: “You bought her expensive gifts and so on and took advantage of her.”

The judge told Lawrence his sexual abuse had a “dreadful impact” on the “particularly vulnerable child”.

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