North and South Sefton Care Home Group Hold First Successful Meeting

16th May 2019

After several weeks of anticipation the newest Care Home Group in the region has held its first meeting. The North and South Sefton Care Home Group has held its first inaugural meeting at West Lancs Yacht Club in Southport. Jonathan Cunningham MBE its founder said, ‘I am delighted with the turn out from the local care providers all of whom consider that we desperately need a collective, independent voice in local social care. All the big name local providers where here to provide their support too. At a time when we are still waiting for the Government to issue the Social Care Green Paper we are facing the biggest crisis that affects every single person in the country. Many describe social care as ‘the ticking time bomb’…but the bomb has actually gone off and we are now picking through the smouldering remains! We have our hospitals and acute services in meltdown and yet on our doorstep we have the greatest provision on social care providers in the country. The North and South Sefton Care Home Group is here to represent the collective view of all and to stand forward and assist our hospitals, social workers and local commissioners. Collaboration and working together is the only way forward that we are going to improve this situation with our aim to improve care within sustainable and profitable care organisations.’


The North and South Sefton Care Home Group will hold its next meeting in approx 6 weeks time. Jonathan is currently arranging meetings with local organisations from the local CCG, hospitals, NWAS and Local Authority – If you would like to discuss how this group could assist you and how you could assist the group! Then get in touch with Jonathan to arrange a meeting. If you are a local care provider and would like to join this new dynamic and progressive group then contact Jonathan Cunningham on or phone ‪07733338398‬.