New Year Cleanse and Detox

1st January 2017

Natural body cleansing

Every day we are confronted by harmful toxins in the air we breathe, the food and water we eat and drink, alcohol we enjoy, medicines we take, and even in the products we use every day like toiletries and cleaning products which help to make our lives more convenient.

Over time, those toxins can build up in the body and impact our overall health. For this reason, many health experts recommend regular internal cleansing to help the body more efficiently eliminate toxins and waste.

There are any number of ways to cleanse and detox.

Some people choose juice fasts, when for anything up to 7 days at a time they will only drink freshly juiced fruit and veggies, water and herb teas. Some of these programmes include one or more smoothies a day to provide protein, fat, and other nutrients for energy and to curb hunger.

Maybe this is something you fancy? If so, preparation is vital.

Certain foods, such as coffee, refined sugar, meat, dairy products, wheat, alcohol, and nicotine need to be gradually eliminated to reduce headaches, cravings, and other withdrawal symptoms. It’s also considered important to increase intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, and fluids during the pre-cleanse. So maybe not a good idea for the post Christmas cleanse, but maybe worth considering for later in the spring or summer, when it’s warmer and you don’t need hot food as much, and you can prepare better.

So another way to cleanse and detox is to use a herbal helper.

Special offers at Nature’s Remedies

While there are plenty of herbal cleansing formula’s on the market to choose from, beginners may benefit from a total-body formula designed for first-time cleansers, like “First Cleanse” by Renew Life. This is a 14 day programme of herbal capsules which includes gentler whole herbs to provide natural support for each of the body’s elimination organs—including the kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, and bowel (or colon).

After that, you may wish to move on to a more advanced cleanse, such as “Cleanse Smart” by Renew Life, which is month’s duration and contains deeper cleansing herbal extracts to support detoxification and help restore digestive regularity.

Both these products are available at Nature’s Remedies, your independent specialist health shop, and are a whopping 20% off to readers of OTS news!!

If you’re concerned about your liver after this Christmas period maybe a liver detox is more for you? Also 20% off to OTS readers is LiverDTX by Renew Life. This a unique, 30-day two-part cleansing program designed to cleanse and detoxify the liver, while at the same time, support and enhance normal liver function. It contains herbs which have long been used by herbalists and naturopathic practitioners to support detoxification of the liver and a blend of antioxidants and amino acids that help support optimal liver function. Just the ticket if you’ve over indulged!

If sugar is your problem don’t forget the sugar detox kits mentioned here

Helpful Tips to Remember for a successful cleanse/detox.

During any type of cleanse, remember that your goal is to support your detoxification processes while helping your body maintain a healthy balance of nutrients. Your daily diet should provide support for your organs of elimination as well as overall nourishment for your body, which is why choosing the right foods while cleansing is also important. Below are some quick tips to help you get started:

  • • Eat plenty of “living foods” such as raw, organic fruits and veggies (veggies may also be lightly steamed) in addition to fermented foods that contain beneficial probiotic cultures such as sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, miso and/or tempeh.
  • • Choose lean protein sources such as organic, natural, or free-range chicken, turkey, beef, fish, tofu, and eggs.
  • • Consume essential fatty acids such as the beneficial Omega-3 fats found in oily fish and certain nuts and seeds.
  • • Opt for well-cooked grains from sources such as millet, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, spelt, teff, rye, basmati rice, wild rice, and brown rice—all of which provide an excellent source of fibre while cleansing.
  • • Drink plenty of purified water to help to flush unwanted toxins and waste from the body. A good rule of thumb is to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of purified water every day.
  • • Try to limit your consumption of sugar (both table sugar and hidden refined sugars) and starchy carbohydrates, which may feed unhealthy microbes in the gut.


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