New Trend in Online Shopping: Mobile Apps

24th January 2022
Shopping online concept - Parcel or Paper cartons with a shopping cart logo in a trolley on a laptop keyboard. Shopping service on The online web. offers home delivery.

A mobile app is a very important element of communication between a brand, company, manufacturer, and customer. Mobile apps have a lot of advantages: firstly, they are more convenient than mobile sites, and secondly, this or that store is always in the user’s smartphone, that is, they have access to purchases 24/7.

Undoubtedly for some people it’s more convenient to use websites for shopping. However, every year there are fewer such shoppers. In the 21st century, brands have realized the following: if they offer only one option for their clients to make a purchase, they could lose a huge number of potential customers.

We can say that mobile apps have ceased to be an addition to the websites, they are completely on a par, and very soon they can move the websites away from the market. Furthermore, shoppers are willing to spend more money on purchases on mobile apps than on websites. And as a rule, new and casual customers buy something in the online store for the first time only, and then, when they become loyal customers – they prefer to download mobile apps. As the experts from (the site with promo codes and coupons for the residents of Finland) predict this tendency will continue in the next few years as well.

All the reasons above are pretty obvious, so, we offer you to look at how else shopping has changed with the advent of mobile apps and how they influence the behavior of shoppers around the world with every new day.

More Personalized Shopping Experience

The modern shopper has become quite spoiled, so the more personal approach the company can provide, the more likely it is that the person will make their order or purchase something. This is easier to accomplish with a mobile app than with a website. The possibilities of artificial intelligence are unlimited and nowadays many mobile apps already collect information about the interests, hobbies, and wishes of their existing customers (and also potential ones) to offer the most personalized deals and promo codes.

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This is especially true during the global crisis and pandemic, when people want to make their purchases as profitable as possible. Data collected by show that promo codes have become the new norm for many shoppers. Many people living in Denmark began using its services more frequently to buy various goods and thus to save money. 

Expanding of Shopping Horizons

This is also one of the main advantages of using mobile apps. If you allow your phone to access a camera of your smartphone or your location, then it can search for goods by pictures, using augmented reality (AR) features, or special offers based on the location. Several world’s most famous cosmetic brands have already offered their customers to try cosmetics on themselves using AR. Thus, shoppers can understand what color of lipstick, eyeshadow, or blush is more suitable for them, without going to the store and testing them personally. Web versions of stores cannot provide such services. They can only offer clients to try on this or that clothing in a virtual fitting room.

Instagram Shopping

When Instagram offered brands and companies to sell their services and products through the platform, shoppers’ attitudes towards buying goods have changed once and forever. Now it is enough to click on the link in the picture and the user will be directed to the page of the product in the online store, where they can place an order in a matter of seconds. Lately, brands have been actively adding mobile apps – making things even easier for people.

Instagram is not standing still and it is testing new updates promising to make every user’s shopping experience even more enjoyable. Very soon it will be possible to make purchases without leaving the social media app. This will allow Instagram to keep the client on the platform throughout the entire process until the purchase is done. This is a truly revolutionary approach!