New Dating app takes Southport by storm

27th January 2018

A new dating app is taking Southport by storm.

The viral success of Do I Date has landed in Southport with hundreds already having signed up for the unusual chance to rate their dates.

Do I Date allows you to rate and review your dates straight after going on them.

Now tons of terrible, cringe, fantastic or enlightening dates and daters across Southport have been rated.

Did your date send you an unsolicited picture of their genitals? Give them One star.

Are they Ghosting you? Two stars.

Spectacular conversation but just not your type? Five stars.

Dating criteria ranges from ‘cute, smart and hot’ to ‘rat’ and ‘f*ckboy’

You can also get a head start before the date by searching the app’s database in case the person you’re about to meet has already been reviewed by someone else.

Do I Date is now available on the App Store

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