Navigating the Australian Job Market: A Brit’s Guide to Securing Employment Down Under

13th September 2023


Australia, with its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and high-quality lifestyle, has long been a magnet for Brits seeking a new adventure abroad. For those considering making the leap to the land down under, securing a job in Australia is often the first and most critical step. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a unique approach tailored to Brits (English) who wish to migrate to Australia. 

Roland Coombes, a leading CV Writer delves into methods such as approaching leading brands already established in Australia, leveraging LinkedIn for networking, making the most of the skilled migration program, and other valuable strategies to enhance your job hunt success.

  • Research and Approach Leading Brands

Australia is home to numerous global giants and multinational corporations, including HSBC, BT Financial, Apple, Google, Dell, and many more. Leveraging the presence of these well-established companies can be a strategic move for Brits seeking employment opportunities. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Identify Target Companies: Start by researching companies within your industry that have a significant presence in Australia. Websites, business directories, and industry-specific publications can be valuable resources. For example, if you are in the finance sector, you may consider targeting HSBC or BT Financial.
  2. Tailor Your Application: Once you’ve identified your target companies, tailor your CV and cover letter to align with their specific needs and values. Highlight how your skills and experience can contribute to their Australian operations. Show that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in their organization.
  3. Attend Industry Events: Many leading companies participate in industry events, conferences, and trade shows in Australia. Attending these events not only allows you to learn more about the market but also provides networking opportunities with potential employers. For instance, if you’re in the tech industry, events like the annual Google Developer Conference in Australia can be a great opportunity to connect.
  4. Reach Out on LinkedIn: Connect with professionals working in these companies on LinkedIn. Send personalized messages expressing your interest in their organization and inquire about potential job openings. Use LinkedIn to showcase your expertise and passion for the industry. Engage in meaningful conversations and share relevant content.
  • Utilize LinkedIn for Networking

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job seekers worldwide, and it’s no different in Australia. To maximize its potential in your job hunt:

  1. Optimize Your Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete and well-curated. Highlight your skills, experiences, and endorsements relevant to your target job in Australia. Use a professional photo and write a compelling summary that showcases your strengths.
  2. Join Australian Groups: Join LinkedIn groups and communities related to your industry in Australia. Engage in discussions, share relevant content, and establish your presence in the local professional network. Actively participate in group discussions and offer valuable insights.
  3. Connect Strategically: Connect with professionals working in your industry in Australia, especially those who have experience with international hires. Personalize your connection requests and initiate conversations about job opportunities. Building a strong and diverse network can significantly enhance your job prospects. Moreover, leveraging connections from an alumni platform can provide you with a strategic advantage, as these individuals often have valuable insights and connections within the industrial.
  4. Follow Company Pages: Follow the LinkedIn pages of your target Australian companies to stay updated on their activities, job postings, and any other relevant news. Engaging with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing can also increase your visibility.
  • Piggybacking on the Skilled Migration Program

Australia offers a Skilled Migration Program designed to attract individuals with specific skills and qualifications. Brits with expertise in high-demand fields can make use of this program to secure employment:

  1. Assess Your Eligibility: Begin by assessing your eligibility for the Skilled Migration Program. The Australian government provides a points-based system to determine eligibility based on factors such as age, qualifications, and work experience. Evaluate your qualifications and work experience carefully to determine your eligibility.
  2. Skills Assessment: Depending on your occupation, you may need to have your skills assessed by an Australian assessing authority. Ensure you meet their requirements and have the necessary documentation. It’s essential to start this process well in advance as it can be time-consuming.
  3. Expression of Interest (EOI): Once you qualify, create an Expression of Interest (EOI) in the SkillSelect system. Your EOI will be visible to Australian employers, and they may invite you to apply for a visa if interested. Be thorough and accurate in completing your EOI, as it serves as your introduction to potential employers.
  4. Visa Application: If you receive an invitation, follow the visa application process carefully. Ensure all required documentation, such as police clearances and medical exams, is complete. Seek assistance from migration agents or legal experts if needed to navigate the visa application process successfully.
  • Networking Beyond LinkedIn

While LinkedIn and your CV Writer will help you with build a valuable tool for networking, don’t limit yourself to online connections. Explore these additional avenues:

  1. Local Networking Events: Attend local networking events, industry meetups, and career fairs in Australia. These events provide opportunities to meet potential employers face-to-face. Engage in conversations, exchange contact information, and follow up with new connections.
  2. Alumni Associations: Join alumni associations of universities or institutions where you studied in the UK. Many Australian universities have active alumni networks that can help you establish connections. Attend alumni events and leverage the shared educational experience as a conversation starter.
  3. Volunteer and Internship Opportunities: Consider volunteering or taking internships in your field to gain local experience and make connections in your industry. Volunteering can also demonstrate your commitment to contributing to the Australian community.
  • Navigating the Australian Job Market Challenges

As you embark on your job hunt in Australia, it’s crucial to be aware of the unique challenges you might face as a newcomer. Here are some additional tips to overcome these challenges:

  1. Understanding Australian Work Culture: Familiarize yourself with Australian work culture, which may differ from what you’re used to in the UK. Australians value work-life balance, teamwork, and a laid-back attitude. Be prepared to adapt your work style and communication approach.
  2. Local Qualifications and Certifications: Some professions in Australia require local qualifications or certifications. Research whether your field has any specific requirements and be prepared to fulfill them. Consider enrolling in local courses or certification programs if necessary.
  3. Building a Local Network: Building a local network can be challenging initially. Attend social events, join clubs or sports teams, and engage in community activities to meet people and expand your social circle. Personal connections can often lead to job opportunities.
  4. Resilience and Patience: Job hunting in a new country can be a long and sometimes frustrating process. Stay resilient, keep a positive mindset, and don’t get discouraged by rejection. Use rejection as a learning opportunity and continue refining your approach.


Securing a job in Australia as a Brit is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By approaching leading brands, harnessing the power of LinkedIn, utilizing the Skilled Migration Program, and expanding your network through various channels,