Mum’s desperate plea to find Jessica a safe space

13th December 2018

Southport family are desperately appealing for help to raise £60k to help their daughter get specialist equipment.

Jessica Rose was born prematurely 23 years ago, weighing in at 1lb 9.5ozs and has many difficulties including cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain) and is registered blind.

Jessica uses a wheelchair and needs 24 hour care and support in everything she does.

Jessica needs specialist equipment and support to help her in every situation. Her mum is now asking for support to buy specialist equipment to help the now adult Jessica live a happy and easier life.

Jessica’s difficulties mean specialised equipment is absolutely essential to continue to support her basic everyday living needs.

Jessica needs supportive seating, a specialised bath, a specialised standing frame, a specially adapted bed, hoisting facilities, a safe space and wheelchair accessibility to be able to function in every day tasks within the home.

As Jessica has grown the equipment to support her grew too but unfortunately our home didn’t grow which means essential equipment has taken over Jessica’s living space. This means Jessica has no safe space to get out of her wheelchair in our home.

Jessica can shuffle on her bottom a little but even this little bit of independence is being taken away without the safe space to move.

For Jessica’s funding page please follow: