MP congratulates Parish Council for success of community cafe

16th June 2019
MP Bill Esterson congratulated Lydiate Parish Council for its community cafe and other activities including a new community garden for growing vegetables to use in the cafe.
The community cafe run by Lydiate Parish Council at Lydiate village hall serves homecooked food to regulars on Mondays and Thursdays.
The parish council is introducing a community garden where residents could help grow the food which will later be served to customers.
Mr Esterson met residents and told cafe regulars about his work as their MP. He told the regulars that he usually spends Monday to Thursday in Parliament and the rest of the week in the constituency where he lives with his family in Maghull. 
The community cafe customers then told the MP about their concerns, including the need for better bus services, improvement to Maghull Square and better health facilities.
Bill Esterson MP said: “Thank you to the staff at Lydiate Parish Council for the fine work they are doing. Thank you to Parish Clerk, Carol Farquhar, Tony Boyle who organises the community cafe and the kitchen staff who produce the home cooked food for the lunches. 
“I was really impressed by all the activities being organised at the village centre and look forward to seeing the community garden being developed so that the cafe serves home grown as well as home cooked food. 
“It’s very important we cut down on our carbon footprint and we can all make a contribution to addressing the climate emergency. A community centre growing its own food is one small way. 
“So too is having better bus services and it’s a big reason why we have to have proper bus services which benefit the public so we can reduce our reliance on our cars. Bus travel should not be profit first. It should be people and environment first which is why it is right that the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is pushing to end private bus companies’ control of our buses. 
“I was really pleased that the residents who go to the community cafe asked me about bus services as it is something I am confident we can and will improve. So too with a new health centre in Maghull with better facilities like treatment rooms and I shall be encouraging the Clinical Commissioning Group to ask the government for the money for the new health centre after they were turned down last time.
“I agree with the residents who are not happy with Maghull town centre. I regularly ask the private company which owns Maghull square to improve the state of the buildings. They have invested in the flats above the shops and I hope we will see some investment in the shops and parking soon. Thank you to everyone who attended the community cafe and told me of their concerns.”
PIC: Bill at the community cafe at Lydiate village centre with the parish clerk, Carol Farquhar