Merseyside Police identify pattern in Formby burglaries

21st November 2018

Merseyside Police have identified a pattern of offending in the Formby area during November.

Month-to-date a total of seven Residential Burglaries have been recorded, four of which relate to Shed Burglaries where entry has been gained / forced and pedal bikes have been stolen.

Merseyside Police is committed to creating safer communities.

Your Community Policing Team is working hard to deter and reduce the number of victims of crime, but we know that some of our residents are particularly concerned about Residential Burglaries. Our officers will be out on high visibility & plain-clothes patrol to deter offending.

Make you home a castle and help us beat the burglar. If your property is left insecure and you are burgled this will have repercussions on your insurance.

Prevention is better than cure, so it’s a good time to review your home and outbuilding security to ensure that relevant security measures are in place. Most burglaries are preventable as burglars are opportunistic.

Here’s how you can do your bit:

• Keep your front and back doors locked even when you are in.
• Set your burglar alarm when you go out or go to bed and consider CCTV.
• Use light timers when you go out at night or go away on holiday.
• Secure you sheds and garages at all times.
• Purchase & install shed alarms.
• Keep valuables out of sight and screen your windows using blinds / curtains.
• Check outside lighting is functioning correctly.
• Closing windows that can be accessed easily.
• Mark or register your property with a property marking system or UV marker.
• In addition, putting away tools and devices used such as lawn mowers, garden equipment and DIY materials, thereby avoiding any unnecessary risks of theft or burglary as some garden tools are used by thieves to gain entry.
• Report any suspicious sightings or behaviour in your area.
• Finally, look out for your neighbours, especially the elderly and report anything suspicious.