Men’s suicide charity set up Southport hub

18th July 2023

A male suicide prevention charity has set up a brand new hub in Southport.

Andy’s Man Club was created in 2016 with the aim to create a talking group, a place for men to come together in a safe environment to talk about issues and problems they have faced or are currently facing. Formed in Halifax, the Club follows the motto, ‘it’s ok to talk.’

Councillor Gareth Lloyd-Johnson put forward a motion to Council which asked them to recognise, “[t]he excellent work of Andy’s Man Club to date and the particular role they play in improving mental health in our communities. It also noted that according to the Department for Health, suicide is the biggest cause of death in men under the age of 50.

The motion also asked the Council’s new Chief Executive to write to the Southport branch, welcoming them and looking at ways the Council could work with them in future.

The group meet every Monday (except bank holidays) at Southport Football Club, Haig Ave, Southport PR8 6JZand more details can be found at

Councillor Lloyd-Johnson said, I’ve seen the work Andy’s Man Club does and followed their progress for a while now. I really like their approach and their belief in something as simple as having other people, in a similar situation, to talk to.”

“It is both very simple and extremely powerful.”

A spokesperson from Andy’s Man Club said, We are delighted to have opened an ANDYSMANCLUB in Southport and are extremely grateful for the support of the local council. This group follows on from groups we have operated in Liverpool and Crosby and shows the need for ANDYSMANCLUB in an area like Sefton. A massive thanks must go to Southport FC for their support in opening our group!