Meet the primary care commissioning comittee

7th March 2019

NHS West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), will be holding its next Primary Care Commissioning Committee meeting in public on Tuesday 12 March 2019 from 1.30pm – 3pm in Ormskirk.

The local health commissioners have responsibility of commissioning primary care services locally in West Lancashire and lead on decisions of how funding is allocated. To avoid conflicts of interest, the committee does not offer any local GPs voting rights.

Members of the local community are welcome to observe the Primary Care Commissioning Committee.  Questions can be taken around agenda items only in advance and will be answered on the day when appropriate at the chair’s discretion.

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The agenda for the meeting will be made available on the Primary Care Commissioning Committee page of the CCG’s website one week prior to the meeting, and anyone wanting to submit a question about the agenda can do so by contacting the secretary to the board directly on ‪01695 588 144‬ by noon on Monday 11 March 2019 (

Printed copies of the papers are available on request for those without access to the internet by calling ‪01695 588 000‬.

The next committee will be held in the Boardroom of the CCG offices in Hilldale on the Ormskirk Hospital site.  For instructions on how to find the office, please contact the CCG via ‪01695 588 000‬.