Man sentenced to eight years in prison for knifepoint robbery of elderly woman in Southport

25th June 2018

Man sentenced to eight years in prison for knifepoint robbery of elderly woman in Southport

Merseyside police are welcoming the sentencing of a man to eight years in prison for an armed robbery involving a knife at a house in Southport in May.

At around 7pm on Friday, 11 May, a 75-year-old woman was at an address in Lime Street, when a man knocked on the door. When she answered, the man entered the house brandishing a kitchen knife. He demanded the woman hand over cash before making off on foot with a small quantity of cash and two packets of cigarettes. The woman was uninjured but shaken by her ordeal.

Following CCTV enquiries and an extensive investigation, 37-year-old Graham Wragg of no fixed abode was arrested on 24 May

Today, he was sentenced to eight years in prison at Liverpool Crown Court.

Detective Constable Donna Oakley said: “This was a despicable offence against an elderly woman in what should be the sanctuary of her home address, and we are pleased that such a dangerous offender as Wragg has been removed from the streets for the foreseeable future.

“Wragg clearly had no consideration for the fear his actions would cause and we remain absolutely determined to target those who look to cause fear and harm in our communities. We are grateful for all the information provided in this case from the public, which really makes a difference in investigating such crimes.

“The possession and use of knives has no place on Merseyside and we stand alongside our communities and partners in our commitment to doing all in our power to eradicate knife crime.”

If you have any information on robbery, or know anyone who is carrying or storing knives, please contact @MerPolCC, call 101 or you can provide anonymous information to @CrimestoppersUK and 0800 555 111 #NoMoreKnives.