Man arrested on suspicion of murder after Bath Street body discovery

25th July 2022
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Police say they’ve launched a murder investigation after a death in Southport town centre.

The body of a 57 year old man was found in a town centre flat last night, leading police to arrest a 51 year old man.

Officers have said the victim has yet to be formally identified but a 51-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Police were called to the premises at approximately 8pm last night.

The suspect been taken into custody to be questioned.

Detective Matthew Kerr from Merseyside Police said: “It is with great sadness that we confirm that a man was found dead at a property on Bath Street.

“We are in the very early stages of the investigation as we seek to establish what has taken place and how he died. We urge anyone who may have seen or know something that might help with the investigation to please contact us.

“Anyone with information is asked to DM @MerPolCC or @CrimestoppersUK on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 22000533612.”