How to Make Your Small Business More Ethical

2nd April 2019

As a small business owner, you will be looking for ways to make your company continue to be profitable going into the future. One of the main concerns of modern customers is that the products they buy and the companies they support are practicing business ethically.

To make sure that your small business is doing all it can to be ethical and make the right choice, this handy guide has been put together just for you. The advice below will get you started on the right track to ethical and sustainable success, starting today.

Being ethical is, of course, about more than just appealing to sensibilities of your customers; it’s about doing the right thing as well. Taking on board the suggestions in the piece will make sure that you are part of the future of business, rather than being stuck in the past.

Be kinder to the environment

One of the biggest things you will want to think about as a business is your impact on the environment. There is plenty of information online about how to reduce your environmental impact as a business that will allow you to start making changes today.

One of the simplest ways is to implement a recycling policy at your office so that any paper that is used is not going to end up in a landfill. Linked to this, making sure that you buy recycled office supplies where possible will also reduce the negative impact your business has. Another great idea is to move your work onto computers and laptops because this means that there will be no waste product generated. Plus,running these devices on battery saver will mean you get the most out of each charge, limiting your use of electricity and energy consumption.

Put your staff first

As a small business, you might not always be able to afford a pay raise for your team when you start out, but you do need to know how to reward your staff in different ways to be ethical. These are the people who run your business and who you need to look after, so make sure you build in rewarding your staff into your next budget.

Make ethics part of the product

When you are making a product, there are lots of things to consider. It needs to be high-quality, appeal to your target audience, and be ethically made so that it has a future.

You can find lots of tips on how to make your manufacturing ethical online, but the main thing to learn here is to always research a manufacturer before signing on the dotted line. Make sure that all the material they use is sourced responsibly and that they are supporting fair labor practices for their workers.

Shout about it

Finally, if you are going to make such a commitment to be an ethical business, then you need to shout about it. The best way to do this is through a blog linked to your business. You can use services provided by Krystal to help host and manage your blog so that all you have to provide is the content.

A blog is an excellent way of engaging a whole new customer base and promoting your ethical brand, helping to increase your profits and online presence.