Louise receives Sefton4good status

17th December 2017

Louise Hankinson-Everatt (Owner at VIP Hair Emporium), was recently awarded Sefton4good status at the Southport Town Hall in view of all her work to successfully oppose car parking restrictions at Manchester Road.

Citizens 4 Good aims to pay tribute to local people whose kindness, support and good deeds improve the lives of their fellow borough residents.

Nominations can be made by anyone who thinks a particular person deserves to be recognised, including friends, neighbours, work colleagues, schools, community organisations and local Councillors.

Councillor David Barton, a prominent campaigner for Southport said:

“This lady continues to work harmoniously for her local community, especially that of Manchester Road Southport whereupon she has already managed to achieve many great things to improve the local environment thus far, such as a successful anti- car parking campaign benefitting all local residents.

At all times she operates both positively and constructively to get the best outcome for her neighbours and fellow business owners.

A great communicator with a an excellent approach who listens and acts upon the wishes of those that need help be this making the local area sparkle or assisting people of all ages from the young to the elderly alike.” Louise



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