Lib Dem Jo’s dismay at Council caddy removal

21st April 2021

Jo Barton, a Lib Dem local activist, and former Councillor, has expressed dismay that the council’s decision to remove Food Caddies from the recycling chain.

Having been part of the team that campaigned for the brown bin waste collection to be introduced in 2012 she is very confused at the council’s decision.

She said, “I am absolutely appalled at the decision which leaves many residents, who are unable to compost, having to put food waste into the grey bins.

“The stench from my bin is appalling and it is only going to get worse as we enter the summer months especially as flies and maggots come back into season.

“I can only imagine what it will be like at the landfill site as gases and toxic liquids begin to build up. This is a backward step for Sefton’s Environmental policy and its aims to reduce waste.”

The food waste was recycled into energy and compost until recently when the council stopped the service due to lack of take-up but Jo believes that the council should scrap its proposed new blue bin glass scheme which takes just glass, a service already provided by the brown bin, and instead spend the money on making food caddy collections available to everyone in the borough.