Labour Crime Commissioner’s Attack on Top Police Inspector are Factually Wrong

11th July 2018
Mersey Crime Commissioner Jane Kennedy’s outburst against Her Majesty’s Inspector of Police, Tom Winsor, has been shown to be dishonest and exaggerated for purely political purposes.
A month ago, Labour’s £85,000-per-year Crime Commissioner made an extraordinary unprecedented attack on the Police Inspectorate. who had criticised Police chiefs and commissioners for not responding fast enough to the changes in the types of crime being committed. Ms Kennedy’s reposte implied that Sir Tom Winsor, the Chief Inspector, was attacking the police service when in fact his criticism was clearly reserved for the people with planning responsibilities only at the very top of the tree – people like Ms Kennedy herself.
Ms Kennedy in June attacked the HMI for stating that ” . . .the doer of deeds could have done them better.” when the ‘doers’ being criticised in Merseyside was pretty much only herself and her small army of political hangers-on highly-paid from the public purse. The ‘deed’ which former Labour Minister Jane Kennedy was the most-noted ‘doer’ was being the first MP too leave the House of Commons after the expenses scandal claiming she was not getting enough money.
Ms Kennedy also said that things would have gone better if “Sir Thomas Winsor had not insisted that thousands of hours of (polie) time during this last six months be switched from demand analysis to the preparation of responses to Sir Thomas Winsor, including his ridiculous Force Management Statement”  However, a recent Freedom of Information request has shown that thousands of police hours were NOT diverted away from police planning to dealing with the Force Management Strategy. The official number  was 1612.