Labour backs a fresh referendum: response and comment

26th February 2019
southport jeremy corbyn
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Jeremy Corbyn has announced that the Labour Party will now support a fresh Brexit referendum.

Another Europe is Possible is the left wing anti-Brexit campaign that has led the push to get Labour to adopt a pro-referendum position, and last year organised a record-breaking number of motions to Labour Party conference.

Responding to this news, Michael Chessum, from Another Europe is Possible, said:

“Labour’s announcement to back a fresh referendum is a huge victory for Labour’s grassroots. Brexit is a Tory project, aimed at deregulating the economy, attacking migrants and undermining workers’ rights. The overwhelming majority of Labour members and voters understand this. The Labour leadership has come to this position late and after exhausting all options, but it is a relief that the left can unite once again.

“The labour movement is nothing if it is not democratic. Some Labour MPs may have reservations about backing a referendum, but they need to understand the depth of feeling at Labour’s base. There is no Labour Brexit. We are faced with a choice between a Tory deal, no deal and a fresh referendum.

“The politics that inspired the Corbyn movement is the politics that can win a referendum and transform Europe. We must bring back hope into this bleak debate. By acting decisively, the left can defeat the government, save free movement, and build an international alliance to fight neo-liberalism. People are tired of Brexit, and there is now a clear alternative: stop Brexit and transform society instead.”