Keeping Your Boat on the Water This Winter – Is It Advised?

19th December 2022

During the winter, temperatures can drop dramatically and cause significant damage to your boat if you don’t take the necessary precautions like installing stainless steel props. If you are a boat owner, you already know the importance of winterizing your vessel for the cold season. But what exactly does it mean to winterize a boat, and how do you do it?

Let’s look at some of the steps suggested by professionals of lake tahoe pontoon boat rentals you can take to properly winterize your boat and keep it safe during the cold season:

Protect the boat hull

Your boat’s hull is exposed to direct contact with water, so you must protect it against any potential damage. To do this, apply a top quality protective coating such as Durabak Paint on your hull to restore your boat to new and good condition. This layer of paint will help protect the hull from rotting or rusting due to exposure to saltwater and other elements. You should also check for any cracks or leaks around windows or hatches, as these can let in cold air and cause damage over time.

Create breathable spaces

Nothing can ruin a boat like molds and condensation damage, but with a few simple steps, it’s easy to ensure your boat stays free of any unwelcome guests or damages. One of the easiest and most effective things you can do to winterize your boat is to create breathable spaces by opening hatches and compartments. By taking this step, you’ll be allowing air to move through the boat freely and efficiently, keeping moisture out so that mold won’t have an opportunity to take hold.

Provide interior care

Once you’ve taken care of protecting the exterior of your vessel, it’s time to focus on its interior as well. Make sure all surfaces, from furniture upholstery down to flooring, are cleaned thoroughly with mild detergent before storing them away for the winter months. Any food items should be removed from cupboards, refrigerators, and freezers so that odors don’t permeate through storage areas while not being used. All electronic components, such as navigation systems, should be disconnected from batteries or power sources to avoid damage caused by power surges during winter storms.

Engine maintenance

The most important part of winterizing a boat is ensuring its engine is in top shape before putting it away for long periods. Add fuel stabilizers into gas tanks if necessary to keep fuel from degrading while stored away during colder months. It’s important to change oil filters regularly so dirt particles don’t build up over time. Use only high-quality filter replacements when carrying out this process. Finally, ensure all engine parts have been lubricated properly before storage so they won’t rust due to exposure to salty environments or extreme weather conditions.

Final thoughts

Winterizing a boat may seem like an overwhelming task, but by taking care of each component individually, you can ensure that your vessel stays safe throughout those long winter months. It’s important to address exterior issues and interior maintenance and ensure engine parts are properly lubricated, so they don’t rust due to environmental factors. These steps will save you time when spring finally rolls around again. Alternatively, you can search for “boat marinas near me” and find a local marina near you to store your boat until winter passes.