Photo: Town Lane crossing
Kew residents are delighted with the new pedestrian crossing on Town Lane, Southport.
After months of campaigning and meetings with the Council the residents concerns have been met.
A Kew resident said:
“Councilor Fred Weaver did a great job, he listened to the residents concerns and had the crossing passed.
He will be getting our votes in May”.
Photo: New Pedestrian Crossing, Town Lane
Kew residents need a new pedestrian crossing at the junction of Town Lane and Cheltenham Way, Kew, Southport.
Kew estate resident Mr Carl Radford said:
“The main roads around Kew Estate are awful to cross, either by the BP petrol station or when you come out of the back of the hospital to cross to Meols Cop.
My children risk their lives crossing at the junction of Cheltenham Way and Town Lane when going to school because of speeding cars.
Its only matter of time before someone is knocked down or even killed. Councillor Fred Weaver said he would be looking into the matter prior to the election but nothing has been done yet “.
Many School Children, hospital visitors and Hospice visitors cross at this dangerous point of Town Lane. The are currently no signs warning motorists of pedestrians
Above: Cheltenham Way junction with Town Lane
The signs appear to encourage pedestrian’s to cross Town Lane on the very busy bend. Many KGV and Meols Cop students risk their lives every day crossing the road.
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