Important Technologies for 2022

17th February 2022

Our personal and business lives continue to be reimagined and reshaped by the radical rate of technological progression. Old habits and cultural norms are becoming obsolete as people adapt to the ways in which technology is starting to change the world. The pandemic has expedited some of these trends, such as Canadian gamblers flocking en masse to $1 deposit casino canada platforms.

Throughout the remainder of this article, we are going to briefly discuss the technology trends that look set to characterize 2022 and the future beyond it.

Electric Cars

Electric vehicles (EVs) are starting to become more and more prevalent on the roads of the world. The EV sector is one of the most rapidly expanding global industries, boasting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of approximately 27%. Whilst Tesla is unquestionably the pioneer within this part of the automotive sector, an increasing number of OEMs are starting to prioritize the electrification of their vehicles.

On the back of the COP26 summit, governments around the world have reaffirmed their commitment to reducing their carbon footprints. One of the primary ways in which they seek to achieve this is by encouraging people to move towards driving electric cars.

Every facet of the EV sector is continually improving. The cars themselves are coming with longer ranges, whilst the charging equipment continues to become easier to find. Whilst almost every EV is currently a car, that looks set to change with heavy industrial equipment soon set to become electrified.

Smart Homes

Industry analysts are all in agreement that Smart Homes seem to become one of the emerging technologies 2022 highlights. Whilst innovations such as smart fridges or robotic vacuum cleaners aren’t new, they have historically been plagued by compatibility issues. That is to say, their applications were typically optimized for either IOS or Android, but not both.

A large group of technology companies looks set to make a concerted effort to prioritize the development of smart home technology in 2022. It is expected that the new industrial standard will be for smart home devices to be compatible with Matter, a software package that will enable smart home devices to communicate with one another. Envisage a world where the drier will be able to regulate its settings based on the load in the washing machine!

Wearable Health Tech

By and large, everybody is familiar with the concept of a Fitbit. In essence, it’s a watch that allows wearers to track a range of fitness statistics and metrics. Having served as a pioneer within the space, companies are now taking the concept of a Fitbit to the next level, adapting the form of wearable health devices.

Rather than simply tracking fitness statistics, wearable health tech devices will track the number of the user’s vital signs. For instance, Health Tech company Oura recently launched a finger ring that monitors a range of bodily features. In doing so, they were able to accurately predict the timing of a woman’s menstruation cycle.

If the COVID pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that there’s an appetite among people to look after themselves and to be proactive in monitoring their health.


There are few topics that evoke more of a passionate reaction from people than Bitcoin. Nevertheless, whether you love it or hate it, cryptocurrencies seem to become an increasingly influential part of our daily lives. September 2021 saw a large milestone take place for the institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies, with El Salvador becoming the first country to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender.

Despite its popularity, not many people would be comfortable offering a concise definition of what a cryptocurrency actually is. Fundamentally, cryptocurrencies are decentralized mediums of exchange built upon blockchain technology. Therefore, cryptocurrencies are sent and received on that particular currency’s blockchain.

A blockchain is an immutably distributed ledger of transactions. The immutable component refers to the fact that it can’t be altered by anyone, whilst the distributed component highlights the fact that everybody has access to the list of transactions. Therefore, the adoption of these cryptocurrencies could lead to a radically altered financial system that’s faster, fairer, and that offers more transparency than it ever has before.