How to Stay Happy During the Holiday Season

5th January 2023

Do you find yourself going out of your way to make others happy during the holidays?

It happens. You probably don’t even get the time to think about much because you’re swept up in other people’s plans. The holiday frenzy usually brings about parties, gifts, visitations, etc.

That list is long and pretty exhausting. Still, some of us tend to go with the flow.

Are You Happy?

It’s a simple question, and yet it’s one of the most difficult to answer. While you may have a good time during the holidays, it doesn’t necessarily signify happiness.

If you’ve heard of the holiday blues, then you know it’s not all merry and festivities for some people. Happiness can be elusive, so you must know what it means for you if you want to be happy.

Going with the flow will never be enough. As such, we’ve compiled tips to show you how to stay happy during the holiday season.

1.       Reflect on Yourself

Maybe no one has asked you, but ask yourself, what do you really want?

It takes looking inwards to discover the secrets of your heart and accept them for what they are and what they mean for you.

Maybe this holiday season, you don’t want to sit across the table, laughing with everyone when you’re not even there. If there’s something in your heart that needs addressing, this is the time to do that.

2.     Seek Positivity

Negative energies can be infectious.

If you want to be happy during these holidays, seek happiness. Some people will love to be with you so you can be miserable together, and some places will only bring painful memories and bad energy.

Try to focus on the positive, and that can mean shutting down things that upset you or bring you down.

3.      Learn from Days Past

We learn from our mistakes, and we learn from our experiences. Your previous holidays would make ideal lessons for future ones.

Think about what you did during the previous holiday, the places you visited, and the people you spent time with.

How was the experience?

Do you think you were happy then?

If you were, maybe this holiday should look similar. But if you were unhappy, you may want things to look different this time.

4.     Get Out More

Human beings have a natural connection to the outdoors. Spending time outdoors, working with your hands, and observing nature will give you a sense of fulfillment.

If you’ve been sitting at your desk a good part of the year, you would be miserable staying indoors.

Visit new places as well as old ones and go out with friends. Allow yourself to be a part of something.

5.     Overcome Stress

Stress is a mood destroyer. Worse still, it could lead to more serious emotional disorders like depression.

When you’re stressed, you’ll hardly enjoy any of the beautiful things that come with the holidays. It’ll sour everything.

The only way to be present, have a good time, and create happy memories is to overcome stress.

You don’t necessarily have to resolve every problem you have. Just find a way to make it less impactful and worry less. There are plenty of healthy ways to take the edge off, whether it’s antidepressants or more natural alternatives like weed.

That said, considering weed is a popular holiday accompaniment, you may want to go slow on THC if you’re new to the drug. Pre-rolls are a good place to start as they are usually low on quality, therefore, not too strong.

6.     Mend Broken Bonds

Mistakes and misunderstandings happen. A lot may have passed between you and your loved ones, friends, or acquaintances. Try to mend broken relationships by fixing the issues that strained them in the first place.

You should also understand that you’re not in control of other people’s reactions. You can only control your own. Fix what can be fixed and accept your effort when things don’t work out.

Being the person who offers the olive branch makes you more secure, emotionally stronger, and happier.

Final Thoughts

You can enjoy this holiday season without it being a momentary sense of happiness. By understanding your priorities and taking care of yourself, you’ll find it easier to take care of others and derive satisfaction from the things you do.