How to Incorporate Art into Your Home Décor

24th June 2021

When it comes to home décor, art is the best option. There are so many choices when it comes to art, abstract, contemporary and architecture artwork are just a few of them. Besides adding a contemporary look to your home, it adds a luxurious feel as well. Though purchasing art pieces is not a big deal, making the most of them requires deep understanding. It’s no secret that interior designers are fond of shutters. Their different styles and materials add subtle elegance to any room. There are many ways to customize shutters to complement any home’s interior.

So, if you want your home to stand out among neighbors, read the tips below:

1.   Traditional Vs. Abstract Art – Paintings

Ask yourself a question, what do you like? Abstract or traditional art? Forget about the theme, colors, and style. Just go for the one that you like. Your home is the mirror image of your personality.

Therefore, it should display things that you like. But, remember not to go for a combination of these two. Your home décor should speak up about one thing rather than muddling up your mind.

Many people opt for traditional art as it is easy to comprehend. However, those in love with geometrical designs, shapes, and styles prefer the abstract style. No matter which option you select, maintenance of these art pieces is important.

Also, be prepared to invest a large sum of money as good art isn’t cheap! Once you buy them, you must ensure their maintenance as well. If the art pieces have a glass cover, try to clean them regularly with a glass cleaner. You can also use a polish spray for the wooden frames. Using this spray once a month is enough to keep the shine.

2.   Create a Collection – Gallery Wall

Instead of going for one big art piece, try creating a collection. Yes, never limit your room to just a few pieces. A wall with three art pieces at a similar distance is an old-school style. Try to add more variety to show off your artistic personality.

In this way, you can create your at-home gallery. Furthermore, never opt for similar-sized prints. Buy prints in multiple sizes and place them randomly, but not too far. Also, pay special attention to the frame colors. Be sure to opt for the same color for all images.

Furthermore, this color should not be used at any other place in your room. Thus, you will end up creating an eye-grabbing collection.

3.   Select One Artist

Do not create a mess by adding so many art pieces, each painted by a different artist. You will end up ruining the cohesiveness of your room. Instead, select one artist for each room. Also, try putting the paintings in series. In this way, your décor will look planned and professional.

For instance, you can put art pieces by Pablo Picasso on the biggest wall of your living room. If you love nature and are planning for green home décor, you can add paintings related to nature. For nature-related paintings, check out the art pieces by Thomas Cole, Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, etc.

4.   Use Photo Prints for Adding Luxury

Undoubtedly, art pieces created with acrylic paints, colors, and additional material are the best choice, but they are quite heavy on the pocket. If you have a tight budget in hand, opt for photo prints.

These prints look classy without bringing any compromise on luxury. Many people prefer going for black and white photo prints. This color combination is useful in giving a modern feel.

Photo prints are ideal, especially if you are living in a rent-based house. You won’t get depressed even if some frames break in your next shifting. Apart from it, these prints are also the best choice if you have a tough schedule, and cleaning frequently is a challenge.

Since they are low in price, you can easily change them after a few months.

5.   Use Carpets and Rugs as Art

Rugs and carpets have long been used for decoration. Whether it is on the floor or on your wall, carpets add a unique and royal touch to your décor. You can purchase a handmade Persian carpet to add a luxurious feel to your sitting area, or you can buy a modern carpet art installment for your walls.

Carpet art from contemporary artists will not only give your home a unique look, it will also be a great conversation starter when you have guests over!

However, be sure to maintain the cleanliness of the rugs; many people are tempted to clean these expensive carpets themselves, but it’s best to hire a professional carpet cleaning rather than take the risk of ruining your rugs!

6.   Use Various Styles for Placement – Macramé, Blinds, Mirrors

Art pieces are not just for your walls. Think creatively and try out different placements. For instance, you can go for a standing frame and place it on your corner décor rack. These days, you can also display art through your curtains and blinds.

Yes, many contemporary styled blinds are created with classical paintings. Similarly, use cushions for adding the art luxury. You can keep a plain sofa with traditional cushion covers for adding a luxurious touch.

Apart from it, mirrors are also a good choice. Though they do not reflect like a traditional art piece, they are available in various styles, designs, and textures. Adding a mirror in a room is enough to create interest. The use of a huge rectangular mirror at the back wall of a dining table is common.

Mirrors also come with various floral arrangements. Search for a wooden frame mirror that has a dry flower arrangement on its frame. This mirror looks immensely luxurious and creates a style statement for your home.

However, cleaning becomes difficult when it comes to cushions and blinds. Always hand-wash these expensive cushions with a gentle detergent. Be sure not to mix any other cloth with them. For the blinds, you can use the sucking attachment of a vacuum cleaner or a static duster for manual cleaning.

Mirrors, on the other hand, are easier to clean with a mirror cleaning spray. But dry flowers absorb a lot of dust, and proper maintenance is important. You can use lacquer spray for easy cleaning. Directly spray the flowers from some distance, and all dust will fade away.

Decorate Your Home with Beautiful Art in 2021

In short, there are endless options for incorporating art into home décor. From mirrors and paintings to standing frames, macramé, and carpets, you have many options.

No matter which option you select, be sure to purchase the cleaning equipment and supplies accordingly. Lastly, regularly clean your art pieces and try to protect them from dust.

Use all or a few of the above tips for adding a luxurious feel to your home. With just a little investment, your home can look like a modern place to live.