How to Cope with the Stress of Moving House

20th September 2021

If you’ve stumbled upon this article then we both know why you’re here: you’ve either started experiencing moving house stress or are looking for ways to avoid it. Stress is a beast that plagues many people as they try to move house. However, you don’t need to struggle, just let us help you with knowledge from our experiences so you can easily survive this!

Removal Company

While it may be tempting to organise a move without any assistance, you’ll quickly find that the moving house stress will pile up if you try to relocate to your new home by yourself. There’s so much to do and so little time! No matter how experienced you are, having professional help will most certainly reduce moving stress.

Of course, choosing a company just becomes another thing to add to your task list, which doesn’t necessarily help reduce the stress associated with moving house. But don’t fret, you can make the process much simpler by availing of the service provided by No longer will you have to contact hundreds of companies to find one that can help you move into your new home. Instead, you can fill out a simple form to be matched up with up to 5 removal companies that could assist you. And it’s all for the price of absolutely free! If the quote you get seem unaffordable, look into a local man with van service who are often cheaper whilst offer a similar type of service for home movers.

Additionally, you will be able to find reviews of removal companies, so you can rest assured that the removal company won’t add to your moving house stress. What a relief!


Nobody plans to fail; they just fail to plan. If you want to move house stress free, then be sure to follow these expert tips:

Give Yourself Time

If your moving date is too soon, then you’ll likely have to rush a lot of things, which will unfortunately only add to your stress levels. So you can call moving companies in NJ and they will help you move your home easily. We recommend that you allow for one month of leeway to prepare for your move to make it less stressful. Alas, this isn’t always possible, so keep on reading as the next steps will be even more useful for reducing moving house stress.

Create an Inventory

Putting together an inventory list will give you a great overview of everything you own. Furthermore, it will be a great indication of the volume of your move and also act as a checklist of items for when you start packing/unpacking. This way, you won’t miss a thing and you’ll have an idea of how many boxes and containers you’ll need for all your belongings.


With your inventory list you can quickly make note of items that you no longer want, as this junk will likely have made itself apparent while putting the list from the step above together. By disposing the belongings that you no longer have use for in advance, you’ll free up time later when packing. And more time means less moving house stress, score!

Make a Packing Plan

Finally, when the time comes to pack, having an action plan for each room will be a godsend. By knowing where you’d like to start and how you’d like to pack, it all becomes a breeze. This way there won’t be any Tetris on the day as you try to fit miscellaneous items together! Moreover, packing each room separately means that they can then be easily unpacked without carting things from one room to another in your new home. That’s right, your packing preparation will help when you unpack!

Informing People of Your Move

There are probably a thousand and one people and institutions to inform about your relocation, so it’s best to prioritise. At the top of the list are governmental organisations like HMRC and your local council for tax reasons. If you happen to drive, you can add the DVLA to that list as well. You can take a deep breath knowing that with those three, you’ve covered the essentials.

Some of the more obvious companies to contact are your service providers and bank, as you might want to transfer your utilities to your new address, and you certainly don’t want someone else receiving your bank-related information. Other than these, while it’s great if you remember, an easy option is to avail of the Royal Mail’s mail redirection service, that way you’ll never miss a letter or a bill.

Moving House Anxiety

We know that the act of moving house can be stressful, but there are other forms of stress and anxiety you, your family, or your pets can suffer from. This can be from saying goodbye to a home that was a comfort or moving to new and unfamiliar territory. Either way, remember that everyone and every pet will need time to adjust to your new home. To gently ease everyone in, be sure to spend some time getting acquainted with the house beforehand, maybe even consider giving it a nice clean together. That way you’ll kill two birds with one stone!

For children, be sure to explain to them why you’re moving and highlight the benefits of their new home, be it a garden, nearby park, or a lovely countryside to roam. It will, of course, be difficult for them at the start, but once they come to understand and they feel heard, they’ll be more comfortable.

To deal with a cat’s or dog’s stress when moving house, it’s important to set up a safe area for them. Place their bedding somewhere quiet and allow it to act as a refuge for your pet. Remember, it will take them time to adjust too, so allow them to explore their new surroundings in their own time! Furthermore, you can reward your furry friend for calm behaviour. This positive reinforcement will help make them feel happy with their new home.

In Conclusion: Move at Your Own Pace

Arguably, the best way to cope with moving stress is to move at your own pace. In general, despite what people say, there’s no right or wrong way to move. The only thing you need to do is plan, and in a way that suits you. So, when the moving house stress starts to become too much, take a break, drink some tea, and remember that you’re doing your best.

Congrats, you reached the end of the article! You can never prevent yourself from stressing as it’s a natural response to such a big endeavour. However, just by moving at your own pace and being organised, you’ll be able to manage the majority of the moving house stress. And remember, you don’t need luck when you’ve the pluck to move house, so just remind yourself that you can do it!