How to Book a Reliable Lie Detector Test in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

27th November 2023

Booking a reliable lie detector test in the UK can be crucial in various situations, including legal matters, relationship issues or employment disputes. However, finding a reputable provider and understanding the process can take time and effort. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the steps to book a reliable lie detector test in the UK so you can make an informed decision and get accurate results.

Step 1: Understanding the Purpose

Before delving into booking a lie detector test, it’s essential to understand why you need one. Lie detector tests are commonly used for:

  • Legal matters, such as criminal investigations or court proceedings.
  • Resolving relationship conflicts, including trust issues and infidelity concerns.
  • Employment-related issues, such as pre-employment screening or workplace investigations.

Understanding your specific purpose will help you communicate your requirements effectively to the lie detector test provider.

Step 2: Researching Providers

Start your journey by researching reputable lie detector test providers in the UK. Here’s how to go about it:


  • Utilise online search engines to find providers with a solid online presence.
  • Seek recommendations from friends, family, or legal professionals who may have experience with lie detector tests.
  • Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the provider’s reputation.

Step 3: Checking Accreditation

When considering a lie detector test provider, ensure relevant industry bodies accredit them. The two primary associations in the UK are the British Polygraph Association (BPA) and the American Polygraph Association (APA). Accreditation signifies that the provider adheres to industry standards and ethical guidelines.

Step 4: Verifying Examiner Qualifications

A crucial aspect of booking a reliable lie detector test is ensuring the examiner is qualified and experienced. Here’s how to verify their qualifications:

  • Ask the provider for the examiner’s credentials and certifications.
  • Confirm that the examiner is accredited by recognised polygraph associations.
  • Inquire about their years of experience and the number of tests conducted.

Step 5: Initial Contact

Contact the chosen lie detector test provider to discuss your requirements. This initial contact is an opportunity to:

  • Explain the purpose of the test and the number of participants involved.
  • Discuss any specific questions you want to ask during the test.
  • Obtain a preliminary understanding of the provider’s services.

Step 6: Asking Questions

During your initial contact with the lie detector test provider, be sure to ask essential questions, including:

  • Pricing: Inquire about the cost of the test and whether there are any additional fees.
  • Location: Determine where the test will be conducted and if any travel is involved.
  • Duration: Ask about the expected duration of the test.
  • Privacy: Discuss how the provider ensures the confidentiality of the results and data.
  • Reporting: Find out how and when you will receive the results and whether a formal report will be provided.

Step 7: Booking an Appointment

Once you are satisfied with the provider’s responses and feel confident in their professionalism, it’s time to book an appointment. Ensure you:

  • Agree on a date and time that works for all parties involved.
  • Clarify any deposit or payment requirements to secure the appointment.

Step 8: Payment

Establish the payment method and schedule with the provider. Some providers may require a deposit to secure the booking, while others may have different payment arrangements.

Step 9: Preparing for the Test

Leading up to the lie detector test, follow any instructions provided by the examiner or provider. These instructions may include:

  • Refraining from alcohol or drugs in the days leading up to the test.
  • Ensuring you get adequate rest the night before the test.
  • Avoid certain foods or beverages that could affect the accuracy of the test.

Step 10: Attending the Test

On the scheduled date and time, show up at the agreed-upon location for the lie detector test. Typically, these tests are conducted in a private and comfortable environment. Ensure that all parties involved are present and ready for the process.

Step 11: Taking the Test

During the lie detector test, the examiner will attach sensors to monitor your physiological responses while asking relevant questions. It’s essential to remain calm and follow the examiner’s instructions throughout the process.

Step 12: Receiving Results

After the test, the examiner analyses the data and provides the results. Some providers may offer immediate feedback, while others may take some time to review the results and provide a formal report.

Also Read:- How Accurate Are Lie Detector Tests in the UK? A Comprehensive Guide

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Step 13: Interpretation and Next Steps

Depending on the lie detector test results, you may need to consult with legal professionals, counsellors, or other experts to determine the appropriate next steps. It’s essential to understand that lie detector tests have limitations, and their results may only sometimes be admissible in legal proceedings.

Step 14: Feedback and Reviews

After completing the process, consider providing feedback or reviewing your experience with the lie detector test provider. This can help others make informed decisions when booking their tests.


What is a lie detector test?

A lie detector test, or polygraph test, is a scientific method used to measure physiological responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity to determine if a person is telling the truth or lying.

Are lie detector tests legal in the UK?

Yes, lie detector tests are legal in the UK, but they are not admissible as evidence in court. They are commonly used in specific circumstances, such as pre-employment screenings, relationship issues, and private investigations.

How accurate are lie detector tests?

The accuracy of lie detector tests can vary, but they are generally considered to be around 70-90% accurate. The accuracy depends on the skill of the examiner, the quality of the equipment used, and the specific questions asked.

How long does a lie detector test in the UK usually take?

A typical lie detector test can last between 1 to 2 hours, including the pre-test interview, the test itself, and a post-test discussion of the results.

How much does a lie detector test cost in the UK?

The cost of a lie detector test can vary depending on the location, the examiner’s experience, and the specific circumstances. Prices can range from £300 to £1,000 or more.

What happens if I fail a lie detector test?

Failing a lie detector test does not necessarily indicate guilt. It’s essential to consult with professionals to understand the results and explore the next steps.


When you’re ready to take the next step and confidently book a reliable lie detector test, turn to Global Polygraph Solutions—the trusted name in polygraph testing in the UK. Our accredited examiners and commitment to ethical standards ensure a professional and accurate experience. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule your lie detector test and get the answers you need. Contact Global Polygraph Solutions now to take the first step towards resolving your concerns and obtaining the truth. Your peace of mind is just a call away.