How Medical Companies Work to Improve Patients’ Experience

21st July 2021

The healthcare industry is constantly changing. Patients are now more informed than ever, and they can research their symptoms online. As a result, patients know when something is wrong even if their doctor cannot diagnose them correctly. To keep up with the changes in patient expectations, healthcare companies need to work harder than ever before. These companies can do this by looking at how customer experience has changed in other industries.

Invest In-Patient Journey Mapping

The patient experience is the sum of all aspects that a person could feel, think, and do in their relationship with an organization. This includes physical interactions such as intake processes emotional and mental ones like anxiety before treatment begins. The way patients feel when they’re at your facility can have significant impacts on everything. This includes everything from how quickly they heal to whether they’ll show up for future appointments (or come back after being discharged). 

Understanding a patient’s challenges, identifying the bottlenecks in the system, and mapping a patient’s journey will help healthcare providers address these challenges. Furthermore, life science consulting firms have been helping healthcare providers with a personalized patient journey mapping. In a patient-centric healthcare system, understanding the possible challenges that a patient might face and resolving them would improve patients’ overall well-being.

Incorporate Patients’ Feedback

The design process needs to be informed by user feedback. Companies should always seek out input from their patients and make changes based on what they hear. This is an especially good idea for a company’s website or mobile app, as these are often used in times of need.

The problem with this approach is that most companies don’t have a formal system for gathering customer feedback, so you’ll need to set one up yourself if you want your team to take advantage of this technique! You can do so by sending surveys periodically through email blasts or via social media posts (depending on your demographic). Another great way would be to ask during check-in at doctors’ offices and hospitals if there were any issues.

Build a Patient-Centric Team

Culture is a key component of the patient experience. A patient-centric culture can be created by implementing policies and procedures that create positive experiences for patients. The leadership team plays a large role in the culture. Leaders must provide clear, concise, and consistent communication aligned with company values for employees to follow suit, which helps create an experience centered around patient satisfaction. Acknowledge your front-line workers by providing them with additional training or chances for career advancement opportunities like healthcare professionals interested in working their way up the corporate ladder.

Focus on Empathy Training for Your Employees

The first step to improving patients’ experience is building empathy with employees. Healthcare workers face many challenges daily, from dealing with difficult patients and coworkers to struggling under the burden of unrealistic expectations. This means that they are often exhausted by the time they get home after an eight-hour shift – making it hard for them to engage in meaningful conversations or activities with loved ones who may be experiencing similar frustrations at work. Patient’s live nearby our healthcare providers can also feel like second class citizens when doctors have limited time during office hours because of other more pressing matters.

Medical companies need to invest in cultivating an environment where people can safely talk about how work is impacting them, what motivates and engages them, and what’s making it hard for them. Employees should also be encouraged to think of new ideas for improving the patient experience by participating in problem-solving exercises.

It might seem daunting at first glance, but small changes and targeted investments will go a long way towards building the company culture needed to improve patients’ experiences over time. We all have a vested interest in this issue because when people don’t seek medical care due to bad customer service or poorly designed facilities, everyone suffers – not just healthcare providers.

Encourage Employee Growth

Provide opportunities for learning, development, and advancement to retain top talent. Asking employees what they want from their job is common for companies. Still, many see the conversation as an annoying formality. This attitude can limit how open people are with ideas and feedback that could help improve work conditions. 

A company’s goal should not be to get everyone on board with every idea. Innovation within any industry comes from creative minds looking at problems differently or finding solutions where someone else sees only obstacles. Employees who have been given increased autonomy will take more ownership over projects which inevitably creates better results because they’re invested in the success of their ideas.

A company can’t force people to be passionate about a project. But providing opportunities for professional growth is one way to retain top talent. Companies need to create an environment that fosters autonomy and creativity while still holding employees accountable when they don’t meet expectations. Employers should continuously look for new ways of developing their staff to take on more complex projects and find ways of motivating them with career development opportunities such as tuition reimbursement or mentorship programs where appropriate. 

Developing these skills will make employees happier at work. It will also help improve the patient experience by giving care providers the opportunity for personal growth and fulfillment outside of simply meeting patients’ needs day-to-day. Healthcare providers should also focus on providing HIPAA and other compliance training often to the employees to ensure they are aware of the law. Understanding the legalities will help them make an informed decision.

The goal for any company is to find ways of tapping into its employee’s passions to make them feel invested in the business’ success and provide opportunities for learning, development, and advancement when appropriate. Companies that handle this will vary from industry to industry. Having a culture that fosters autonomy and creativity while also holding employees accountable when they don’t meet expectations will go a long way towards improving the patient experience. 

Healthcare companies that embrace technology hire the right workforce prioritizes employee well-being, and are sure to find success in building a seamless patient experience. Making sure your employees are aware and follow HIPAA compliance is paramount too.