How Has HBOT Fared with Covid?

11th April 2023

A study was carried out to show the efficacy of HBOT on Covid patients, and the discoveries were astonishing. A good percentage of the patients did remarkably well with exposure to 100% oxygen. The study also indicated that the system was safe and efficient for the patients or users.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been a tremendous breakthrough in the field of medicine. It is considered more effective than many invasive treatment methods for handling specific medical conditions. However, despite the revelations, there have been several questions regarding the successful use of hyperbaric oxygen units. Therefore, this post will attempt to unravel the mystery by raising some points to support the view that HBOT is good for our health.

Does HBOT Boost One’s Immune System?

Many potential HBOT users are skeptical about the efficacy of the therapy. They do not believe it works. As a result, countless questions have been directed toward the workability of HBOT.

Research and studies have shown that HBOT helps to disrupt the activities of deadly bacteria while boosting the user’s immune system.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has the power to disable specific bacteria. Such bacteria can hardly function in the presence of pure oxygen. Oxygen concentration is increased in the tissues when users are exposed to HBOT. According to a report published by John Hopkins University, that exposure makes them resistant to infections.

How Hyperbaric Oxygen Functions

HBOT helps to promote well-being in different ways. In this section, we’ll look at how HBOT can impact an individual’s health.

          Promotes Healing: This is one of the standout attributes of HBOT. It is believed to supply tissues deficient in oxygen with oxygen-rich plasma. Blood vessels are normally damaged in the body anytime we get injured. The damage can result in the release of fluid into the body tissues, which brings about swelling. The swelling makes it difficult for the damaged tissues to access oxygen. Without access to sufficient oxygen, the tissues start to die. HBOT’s primary responsibility is to reduce such swellings by supplying more oxygen to the body. The increased pressure makes more oxygen available to the tissues.

          HBOT Stops Reperfusion Injury: This simply refers to damages occurring in the system when body tissues fail to get oxygen. Anytime blood flow is interrupted by an injury, oxygen radicals are released inside the body due to several events. The oxygen radicals are capable of causing irreversible damage to the body. They can stop the blood flowing in the body, which is very dangerous. HBOT helps the body eliminate the radical oxygen molecules and commence self-healing.

          HBOT and The Activities of Harmful Bacteria: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can dissolve the toxins produced by some bacteria. Also, it steps up the oxygen concentration inside, which helps the body to fight infections.

          HBOT Promotes the Formation of New Skin Cells: That is done by allowing new blood vessels to flow. It helps to trigger cells to form some substances, such as vascular endothelial growth factors. These substances help to stimulate all the materials necessary for healing.

HBOT Chambers

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not like standard oxygen therapy. They are not the same, even if many assume they are the same. HBOT can only be accessed inside a high-pressure machine known as HBOT chamber. Let us discuss the two basic types of HBOT chambers in the market today.

  • Monoplace Hyperbaric Chambers – This type of HBOT chamber is designed to accommodate one person at a time. This system looks long and similar to MRI machines. The user has to enter into the system and lie or stand, depending on how it is designed. Then, it fills slowly with pure oxygen.
  • Multiplace Hyperbaric Chambers – This type of chamber can contain more than one person. It can actually have two or more people. In most cases, it can take a maximum of 5 persons. The operational principle of this chamber is not different from that of monoplace chambers. A significant difference is how the pure oxygen is inhaled inside multiplace chambers. It has to be inhaled through masks. Someone can stay inside the chamber with you. Multiplace chambers are ideal for older people and kids.

How HBOT Works

If you are using HBOT for treatment, ensure it is done under the supervision of a medical professional. However, you can use it without any supervision if nothing is wrong with you. Hospitals now recommend HBOT chambers for some of their patients. Individuals can also get inside the chamber to relax and feel good. A lot of prominent personalities are doing it today.

An HBOT session can be between 45 minutes and 2 hours. Some can last for 300 mins. It all depends on what the user hopes to achieve.

As the pressure is increased, it may look as if your ears are plugged. You can chew gum to help restore your ears.

You may need several sessions to maximize your use of HBOT for treatment. Therefore, it is essential to check with your insurance company to know if it is covered in your plan.


Some specific people do not need HBOT. For example, people with underlying health issues should not use HBOT. It might complicate their health conditions. For instance, if you have a lung condition, fever, or cold, avoid using HBOT.

One of the most typical side effects of HBOT is complications around the middle ear. Other potential side effects include lung damage, low blood sugar, sinus problems, and eye issues. In severe cases, the individual ends up with oxygen poisoning. But that is very rare.


You don’t have to be skeptical about investing in HBOT chambers because it works. Thankfully, you don’t only have to access the chambers in hospitals. But you can also buy the residential HBOT chambers and install them in your home. OxyHelp is a well-known brand that produces residential monoplace and multiplace chambers. Try one today and see how it works.