How Enterprises can migrate from IPv4 to IPv6

21st March 2024

In the context of the web and protocols, IPv4 and IPv6 are the key protocols. These internet protocols perform irreplaceable tasks in the sphere of connectivity. However, businesses are moving from IPv4 to IPv6 just because of the inherent limitations of IPv4. The IPv6 presents advanced features and with wider scope, which ensures reliable connectivity. Here, we’ll discuss how companies can effectively migrate from IPv4 to IPv6. Let’s explore!

What is IPv4 and IPv6? 

IPv4 is a fourth-version internet protocol. This is the most popular of internet protocols, and it utilizes a 32-bit address. Hence, such internet protocol will lead to the existence of 4.3 billion unique IP addresses. 

On the other hand, IPv6 was created with a view to overcome IPv4 limitations. This encryption protocol offers 128 bits of addresses, so you have a large array of IP addresses available. Such an expansion of the IP addresses exceeds even the number of grains on the sand. Additionally, IPv6 is featured with a higher level of security and performance than IPv4.

3 Ways To Transfer IPv4 to IPv6?

IPv4 faces constraints, notably its capacity to accommodate only a set number of devices. Consequently, enterprises are presently transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6. This migration is aimed to accommodate the increasingly growing number of devices. Let’s discuss the three ways to transfer IPv4 to IPv6: 

Create a Dual-Stack Network

The method of moving from IPv4 to IPv6 may be settled by creating a dual-stack network. IPv4 and IPv6 can both be used in dual-standard networks at the same time. This is particularly useful for devices that only use public IPV4 addresses, hence facilitating enterprises. Therefore, both IPv4 and IPv6 internet protocols must be maintained to ensure higher connectivity. Organizations can configure switches and routers in order to say both IPv4 and IPv6. With this, IPv6 devices may coexist with those using IPv4. 

Use IPv6 Tunneling 

Enterprises can also use IPv6 tunneling to migrate from IPv4 to IPv6. It involves encapsulating IPv6 packets within IPv4 packets to traverse IPv4-only networks. IPv6 tunneling provides a temporary solution for IPv6 connectivity. Moreover, it also risks many security threats. So, careful migration is really important to avoid any security issues. 

Use NAT Protocol Translation NAT-PT 

NAT-PT is a renowned service which converts IPv4 to IPv6 and vise versa. This provides a smooth and reliable solution and ensures seamless connectivity. NAT-PT devices act as intermediaries, mapping IPv6 addresses to corresponding IPv4 addresses and vice versa.