Hospital Cleaning: Common Mistakes to Avoid

4th June 2024

Hospital cleaning prevents infections and contamination. It promotes patient safety, and a healthy environment. Yet, some common mistakes can happen due to lack of experience. These include overlooking high-touch areas, using the wrong products, and skipping sanitising steps. Hiring a professional hospital cleaning company is a good solution for that. They guarantee a spot-free, no-error cleaning. Let’s find the common mistakes so that you can avoid them in your next cleaning routine.

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid During Hospital Cleaning

If a hospital is not clean, it can affect hygiene and have an impact on patient health. Avoid the following 7 mistakes to align with the disinfection guidelines. They will also help you improve consumer satisfaction.

Not Cleaning the High-Traffic Surfaces

EOScu suggests doorknobs, supply carts, bed rails, linens, and surfaces are the most commonly touched items. These surfaces get overlooked as the focus is on larger surfaces. Hospital cleaning staff often prioritises floors, beds, and kitchen items. But cleaning the smaller surfaces is also important. Cleaning them can help prevent contamination prevention in the hospital.

Using Harsh Chemical Products

For hospital cleaning, you need to use TGA-approved disinfectants. These products can kill pathogens found in hospitals. You should avoid using general household cleaners.

Some products may have a strong fragrance, and you have to avoid them. They often contain volatile organic compounds and other harsh chemicals. These elements can trigger respiratory irritation and cause allergic reactions. ALSCO Uniforms lists the commonly used chemicals in hospitals:

  • Chlorine compounds
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Peracetic acid
  • Ortho-phthalaldehyd
  • Phenolics
  • Iodophors, etc.

Take necessary cautions when using these chemicals. Improper handling can cause skin irritation, itching, vomiting, etc.

Neglecting Regular Inspections

Regular inspections ensure hospitals follow hygiene rules properly. This protects patients and staff from drug-resistant germs. It ensures adherence to protocols, identifies issues and prevents infection risks. Consider the following things when inspecting:

  • Make a hospital cleaning checklist of all areas, including small and large surfaces
  • Verify the use of appropriate disinfectants
  • Check the cleanliness and maintenance of cleaning equipment
  • Keep documents and records of cleaning for accuracy and completeness.

Less Attention to Bacteria and Germs

Your primary focus should be on infection control. Healthcare cleaning needs to follow strict disinfection guidelines to prevent cross-contamination risks. Common healthcare facility maintenance errors include:

  • Medical centre disinfection pitfalls
  • Healthcare facility sanitation errors
  • Neglected HVAC systems
  • Improperly stored hazardous materials, etc.

To prevent bacteria contamination, thorough cleaning is essential. Keeping everything clean is not enough. They have to be disinfected properly. You have to arrange training sessions for the staff. Till then, you can get help from cleaning service providers.

Inadequate Waste Disposal

Improper waste disposal poses significant health risks in hospitals. Proper disposal of medical waste is essential to prevent contamination. Adherence to health regulations confirms safe handling and disposal practices, such as:

  • Use different colour bags and bins for different types of wastes.
  • Waste containers must have clear and accurate labels
  • Responsible staff should be trained properly on waste segregation.

Hospital administration should implement hospital hygiene best practices to maintain a safe environment. For that, medical waste should be disposed of in the right spots. Ensure the utilisation of sanitisation products during waste disposal processes.  This reduces the spread of infectious diseases and helps preserve your hospital reputation.

Not Cleaning the Carpet

Cleaning staff often overlook the carpets when cleaning the floors. The carpets are hardly cleaned or washed on a regular basis. Carpets can contain dirt, pathogens, and allergens. This can compromise indoor air quality and cause respiratory problems for patients.

Carpet cleaning is much more difficult than other cleaning activities. It requires a multiple-step process. Hospital staff tend to avoid them. Besides, they may also not have enough experience, expertise, or equipment.

For better carpet cleaning results, you had better call a professional cleaning company. They have all the necessary equipment and know how to clean them safely for hospitals. It shows your sincerity regarding patient care and their well being.

Decision Errors Between Professional and DIY Cleaning

DIY cleaning is a good approach for regular cleaning. Some cleaning requires intervention from experts. DIY methods may seem cost-effective. But the lack of expertise and resources can influence the final result. This can lead to sterilisation blunders because of a lack of sterilisation equipment.

Professional cleaners can run a deep cleaning in your hospital. They reach every part of the hospital and make them clean and germ-free. It creates a safe environment for the patient and staff. This helps you create a positive image by improving consumer experience.

Cleaning companies are also aware of the regulatory standards. They ensure your hospital follows all the safety regulations. It saves you from legal consequences, which can be fatal. Ceiling, carpet, windows, and medical equipment cleaning are much more difficult. You should opt for professionals to handle them.

Final Words

Cleaning should be a priority in your hospital. It can affect a patient’s health and spread bacteria and other germs. For deep cleaning, you can hire professional cleaning services. Holy Cross Cleaning is a good option for hospitals in Brisbane and Gold Coast. Our 130+ years of experience can keep your hospital clean, hygiene and prevent contamination. Partner with us for reliable and comprehensive solutions.