Helping People Living With Chronic Pain

17th March 2022

Reflect on the pain you experience after breaking a bone, injuring your back, or undergoing surgery. Think of the anguish and not being able to get rid of it. It lasts at least three months and affects every aspect of your life, including your ability to work, sleep, and maintain relationships.

You may feel powerless to help someone you care about with Pain Management Clinic, who is suffering from chronic pain. And, other than assisting them with tasks to lessen their load, there may not be much you can do to aid them with their physical condition.

Many persons with chronic pain, on the other hand, may experience emotional distress as a result of the influence their condition has on their daily lives and relationships, and you may be able to help them with this.

Even if you aren’t feeling their symptoms, letting them know that you care about their misery will make them feel supported and valued. Keeping your distance from them because you don’t know how to help isn’t going to help them at all; it may make them feel even worse.

This situation may make them feel abandoned, uncared for, or even furious and depressed that their disease leads them to feel isolated from others. Pain sufferers may feel more alienated than ever before, and this does nothing to help them better their physical state.

The real kicker is that you can help people you care about who are suffering from chronic pain in various ways. While you may not alleviate their sadness, you can still help people find meaning in their life by providing support and guidance.


Recognize your loved one’s feelings.

People experiencing unrelenting agony are often disheartened, discouraged, furious, annoyed, or despairing. Your loved one may like to join in activities or family gatherings but may be unable to do so.

Chronic pain patients frequently feel isolated and insignificant. Back Specialist recognize these emotions and provide your loved one assistance. Encourage them to participate and socialize as much as possible, even if it means using a computer for a virtual visit or outing.


Make a list of what your loved one is allowed and not allowed to do around the house.

Making a list of chores, your loved one can do on less painful days gives them a sense of empowerment and control. Delegating jobs may also help reduce your workload as your family member helps with everyday chores. Use the list as a guideline, not a strict schedule.


Patience is required.

It’s challenging to live with and manage chronic pain. People may become irritated and pessimistic as a result of it. Instead of feeling sorry for your loved one, ask whether they have the energy to talk or visit.

Talk about your family, experiences, or even your favourite TV show. Talk about your daily routine.

Avoid talking about pain or pain alleviation. Your loved one wishes to be appreciated and participate in life on their terms. He does not want to be defined by them.


Motivate your loved one to maintain social connections.

Friends and relatives may be concerned, but they may not know what to say or do. Could you make contact with them?

Furthermore, you and your loved one can join an online support group. It can be helpful and encouraging to connect with others who understand and cope with similar challenges.


Show empathy 

Empathy is developed by learning more about a loved one’s chronic pain and the challenges they experience daily.

Being empathetic is seeing the world through another person’s eyes and understanding their actions and feelings. Empathy demands evaluating a person’s degree of effort while suffering from chronic pain.

They are struggling with chronic pain while also attempting to appear cheery and happy as much as possible. They live their lives to the best of their ability, despite not being as active as they once were.


Physical limitations must be respected.

Another person cannot tell how well someone with chronic pain can walk or their optimal activity level at any particular time. It is not always feasible to read it on their face or body language. Respect for their physical abilities is essential.

Listen to the chronically ill individual without passing judgment when they indicate they need to lie down, sit down, or take medication right away. This could suggest that they are in excruciating pain and cannot continue their current activities.


Assist them in locating their peaceful zone.

Stress-reduction techniques may be beneficial in your friend’s pain management plan daily. Invite them to a yoga or meditation class, share your favourite relaxation song, or head to a local park or green place with a picnic blanket.

Since stress and tension aggravate chronic pain, assisting your friend in finding their peaceful space is quite beneficial.


Assist them with moving more.

Experts believe that even steady improvements in normal movement can help the body be less sensitive to pain. We’re built to move, and idleness can exacerbate chronic pain.

Invite your friend to accompany you for a walk and gradually increase the distance, or propose window shopping or something else active they enjoy.


Encourage your loved one to schedule regular visits with a pain management specialist.

Chronic pain may be debilitating, as pain management specialists are well aware. They’ll work with you and your loved one to alleviate pain so you may both enjoy and experience life to the fullest.

In your quest for chronic pain alleviation, pain management specialists can be a beneficial resource.


Make them feel ‘normal.’

Don’t dismiss chronic pain sufferers as weak or unable. However, avoiding them and treating them differently than usual detracts from their overall life experience. Living an everyday life can help them feel more purpose and self-worth.



Living with chronic pain is a never-ending struggle. It affects every aspect of your life, from daily duties to relationships and your job. It imposes a physical, mental, and emotional burden on you.

Overall, being present for your loved ones is the best thing you can do. Pay attention to their signals rather than telling them how they should feel or what is best for them.

Everyone deals with chronic pain in various ways, but merely showing you care, listening, and implementing some of the above suggestions can go a long way toward making their lives easier, despite their physical discomfort.


Author Bio: Mahrang Anwer is a writer from Lahore, Pakistan. Her main areas of writing are health, lifestyle, and mental health. In this particular article, she explores the multiple ways in which people with chronic pain can be helped.