Health chiefs slam vape usage levels in Southport youngsters

20th June 2023

Health chiefs have slammed a reported rise in the number of young people in Southport using vapes.

They’re now calling on a blanket ban for the sale of disposable vaping products in the town.

Directors of Public Health across Merseyside have joined together to call for a country-wide ban on sales of disposable vapes and additional restrictions on advertising and marketing of vapes.

They also want to see a significant increase in fines for retailers selling illicit vaping products and vapes to those aged under 18, and a consultation on the licensing and regulation of vapes.

Whilst vapes are sometimes advertised as a risk-free alternative to smoking, we do not yet know the long-term effects of regular vaping. In the short term, using vapes can cause coughing, headaches, dizziness and sore throats. Some vapes also contain nicotine, which is incredibly addictive, and is why they should only be used as a tool to stop smoking.