Health chiefs claim Southport GPs are getting better

25th July 2017

Healthcare commissioners in Southport and Formby have improved their annual performance score in the latest national assessment of clinical commissioning groups (CCG) carried out by NHS England.

NHS Southport and Formby CCG has been rated ‘requires improvement’ in the 2016-2017 results, acknowledging the progress made by the organisation since being assessed as ‘inadequate’ in 2015-2016.

Dr Rob Caudwell, chair of NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said: “We are pleased to see our progress and hard work recognised in NHS England’s latest assessment.

However, the results do reflect the challenging financial environment we are operating in and we know there is a great deal more we need to do to make the improvements we and our patients want to see.

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“We are working hard to address these challenges and alongside this we are continuing to speak with our residents and partners about how we can make services more efficient and effective for our patients in such a financially demanding time.”

NHS England’s assessment highlighted areas of good practice including meeting or exceeding performance for the majority of standards set out in the NHS Constitution, as well as achieving a good overall assessment for cancer services.

However, key areas of challenge focused on the CCG’s financial position and the performance of urgent care services.