GP staff reveal scale of bizarre Coronavirus calls across Southport

2nd February 2020

Staff at hospitals and GP surgeries in Southport are feeling the pressure of panicked residents worried about the Coronavirus.

Despite countless health warnings, advice and Media coverage of the virus, some residents in the town are still straining services with bizarre panicked phone calls.

Staff at one particular surgery have disclosed to OTS News that there have been a number of calls where residents feeling sick after a Chinese meal have feared they may have the virus.

Medical experts have encouraged people to read and digest the advice given by Public Health England on the origins and spread of the Coronavirus, to help stop fear and scaremongering among the town.

Panicked patients have expressed concerns over travelling from European countries, eating Chinese food, interacting with people from the Asian community and bad colds as potential causes of what they fear may be Coronavirus.

Staff at medical centres are being inundated with calls of this nature and are forced to spend inordinate amounts of time dealing with these calls when they could be treating patients who are legitimately in need of medical attention.

For full advice on the Coronavirus please visit the Public Health England website