Furious formby residents treated like cash cow for Council

7th April 2019
Aerial image of proposed development area outlined in red. Image courtesy of Google.

Furious Formby residents say they are being treated like a cash cow by the council.
One resident, John Wilkinson, said “I went to Sefton’s Planning Committee on March 6 when the Brackenway housing development was approved.

“I came away more convinced than ever that Sefton Council merely regards Formby as a ‘cash cow’, to be milked for Council Tax at every opportunity.

I applauded the impassioned pleas for common sense by a dozen residents and local councillors, and patiently endured the developers’ responses which merely regurgitated previous reports. I left with the distinct feeling however that many questions were unanswered, and many issues had been ignored.

For example, if the developer’s proposals for dealing with the flooding problems in Hawksworth Drive accorded with Sefton’s own conclusions in 2012 why has the council not acted beforehand to cure the problem?”