Furious drivers bring in big guns over Dover Road tree damage

16th March 2024

Overgrown trees and thorny bushes on Dover Road are set to be finally cut back after causing hundreds of pounds worth of damage to cars.

The overgrown sharp plant life has been poking through fences along the stretch of road in Hillside.

A number of cars driving down the road have reported their paintwork being significantly damaged as they cannot avoid hitting the trees due to the size of the road.

Now furious drivers and locals have brought in Environmental Health to take the landowner, Network Rail, to task over the issue.

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Councillors say they will now get serious with Rail bosses after all other avenues of mediation were explored.

Cllr Sonya Kelly said “Environmental Health have issued notice to Network Rail to cut back trees protruding through the fencing causing damage to vehicles.

“If they fail to comply the Council will carry out the work and charge Network Rail.

“The issue was first raised in October.”