Finding the Right Commercial HVAC Solution for Your Business

15th November 2023

Finding an HVAC contractor requires more than simply looking for the lowest price. Take time to conduct research on each potential vendor by asking for references and comparing pricing structures.

Find sales teams who understand governmental rebates, tax credits, and energy savings opportunities. In addition, they should help model expected returns on replacement equipment through productivity gains and energy cost savings.

When seeking an HVAC contractor, don’t just focus on the price – look for knowledgeable professionals who can guide you through rebates, energy savings, and more, like the heating and air conditioning experts in Siloam Springs.

1. Do your homework

Although many articles focus on residential HVAC, finding your business’s ideal commercial heating, ventilation and air conditioning system can be just as essential. The process can often be more time-consuming than expected and may involve multiple considerations that differ significantly from a home installation.

For example, you should seek out a company that stays informed on the latest technologies and innovations within HVAC. With technology continually advancing rapidly, what was considered cutting-edge just a few years ago may no longer be relevant today.

Find a contractor with extensive commercial project experience. They should possess an in-depth knowledge of how to size systems appropriately based on factors like building usage, square footage, energy efficiency needs and environmental regulations – this will ensure a comfortable workplace.

In addition, look for companies that can assist customers with financing and rebate programs to fund purchases that can pay back through productivity gains and utility savings.

2. Ask for referrals

Your HVAC referral program should be an effortless experience to implement and manage, offering clear incentives to participants (like cash rewards or free merchandise).

Soliciting referrals should become part of your regular business practices. Still, timing is of utmost importance – asking too early can cause clients to feel annoyed or uncomfortable, while asking too late could leave them thinking you are trying to sell them something.

After your sale has been finalized (contract signed, money exchanged), it is the ideal time to ask clients for referrals. This removes much of the anxiety that causes clients to hesitate in providing you with referrals – they can think about friends and family who might benefit from your services and are more likely to refer you since your professional relationship has already been formed.

3. Check the contractor’s financial health

HVAC contractors frequently go bankrupt due to poor accounting practices and asset management systems.

These service businesses require sound accounting practices and asset management strategies in order to prevent potential bankruptcy situations from developing. A more stable company will also be less likely to default on contracts or conceal bad debts from customers.

Financial health can be easily assessed by reviewing their credit history or asking them for references from former clients.

Furthermore, it’s vital to confirm whether the contractor is licensed, insured and certified for performing work at your commercial space – verify they possess valid state sales tax licenses, workers compensation insurance, and current payroll taxes or registrations details.

An ideal HVAC company will have a multifaceted technical team with experience in system design and installation methods, energy efficiency measures, utility rebate programs, tax credits, and modeling expected returns that make for energy savings or productivity gains in return.

4. Ask for quotes

Once you’ve identified that your commercial HVAC system requires replacement or expansion or are considering moving into another location, the next step should be searching for contractors. Gathering estimates and quotes can help narrow your options down quickly.

Make sure your shortlisted contractors provide comprehensive quotes. A quality quote should include equipment brand names, model numbers, Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ratings, and any warranties or guarantees associated with the purchased equipment.

Reputable HVAC contractors should specify whether or not the quoted cost includes the replacement of existing parts. Failure to upgrade old ductwork could leave your new HVAC unit vulnerable and expensive mistakes on the table.

The best HVAC contractors possess experienced sales teams equipped with engineering backgrounds. These salespeople can assist in problem solving, system design and equipment selection – as well as explain the various manufacturer products to save your business both short-term and long-term money.

5. Schedule an inspection or appointment

If you’ve narrowed down your options, book an appointment to meet in person. The best way to find out if a contractor is a good fit is to speak with them in person.


If they seem to be a good fit while they check off all the other criteria then congrats! You’ve just found the best heating and air conditioning service provider for you.