Excite OSA – A Path Breaking Device Launched by Signifier

16th February 2024

The world today is passing through a mega phase of innovations led by brilliant innovators and entrepreneurs in distinct industries & markets. While many innovative products are making life easy and elevating the quality of lifestyle, it all comes to a halt if the health of a person is under question. With that being said, the topic of conversation is the technological and innovative advancements in the healthcare segment. And eXciteOSA, helmed by Akhil Tripathi, Signifier Medical Technologies CEO & Co-Founder, is one such & one-of-a-kind device that is about to disrupt the sleep medicare market.

Akhil Tripathi has carved a remarkable path through his innovation and commercialization of groundbreaking medical devices, such as a neurosurgical robotic navigation system and a novel cervical spine implant. He is an accomplished entrepreneur and pioneer in the MedTech industry. He joined hands with his Co-founder, Prof. Dr. Anshul Sama, a luminary in sleep-disordered breathing with over twenty years of expertise. He also got another Med Sector gem, Prof. Dr. Sama, on the Signifier’s Medical Advisory Board and a distinguished figure at the Nottingham Sleep Center. Prof. Dr. Sama has contributed significantly to the field with his internationally acclaimed snoring and sleep disorders research. Together, they established Signifier Mecial Technologies in 2015 to innovate and relieve those afflicted by sleep-related issues. And eXciteOSA is the outcome of the research and development of a team of experts led by Akhil Tripathi to address  & resolve the underlying problem of Sleep Apnea.

What exactly is eXciteOSA device?

The eXciteOSA device is a novel, FDA-authorized treatment designed to reduce snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults aged 18 years and older. The eXciteOSA is a daytime therapy that focuses on improving the function of tongue muscles which is much better and convenient than traditional treatments which are put to use during sleep. The device delivers Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) to the tongue, which helps prevent the tongue from collapsing backwards and obstructing the airway during sleep, a common cause of snoring and mild OSA.

The device consists of a mouthpiece with four electrodes, two positioned above the tongue and two below. It is intended for use in a 20-minute daily session over a period of six weeks, followed by once-a-week maintenance therapy. Clinical studies have shown significant benefits, including reduced snoring severity and improved sleep apnea symptoms. The therapy has been well-received by both patients and sleep physicians, with many patients reporting substantial improvements in their condition without the need for nighttime wearables or invasive treatments.​

Why eXciteOSA Is a Path Breaking Device?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a progressive condition with significant health implications. And if a device is providing a solution, there is a crystal clear importance of the device. One health problem can lead to many others if stay untreated for long or if the treatment is a hectic process. The points will spotlight the path breaking nature of Akhil Tripathi’s deeply heart rooted project, eXciteOSA.

  • Research has shown that patients with mild OSA have a 224% higher risk of hypertension which, simultaneously can lead to many other problems.
  • There is an 83% increased likelihood of diabetes diagnosis compared to individuals without OSA & diabetes really is a serious health issue.
  • The OSA condition is also linked & leads to a 137% greater risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease & that’s quite scary.
  • It focuses on the usage convenience for the patient by reducing the application time to only 20 minutes a day.
  • It provides the patient with the power of control through its mobile app connectivity, as the patient can control the intensity of the stimulation and get guidance, reminders, and notifications about the therapy.

The device, eXciteOSA addresses all these health concerns directly by offering a non-invasive and user-friendly solution that targets the root cause of OSA. Its innovative approach aids in mitigating the immediate symptoms of OSA and reduces the long-term health risks associated with the condition. By focusing on early intervention and prevention, eXciteOSA stands as a pivotal device in the fight against the rapidly growing health issues related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Akhil Tripathi’s London-headquarter Signifier Medical Technologies is truly evolving the sleep MedTech sector as patients have accepted eXciteOSA well enough & the device has turned their lives with its efficacy along with convenience & portability.