Coach park prepares for pre Christmas testing surge

8th November 2020

Extra Mobile Coronavirus Testing Units are being deployed in Southport and further afield in Sefton, with the Fairways Coach Park primed for a busy fortnight of testing.

The testing site, near to the eco centre, will be in place for the next two weeks and is designed to take on as many people as possible who are showing coronavirus symptoms of a high temperature, a new persistent cough or a loss of taste or smell.

People who develop coronavirus symptoms need to book a test straight away by making an appointment at or by calling 119.

Also, Southport residents who work or study in Liverpool can now access a coronavirus test even if they don’t have symptoms.

As a result of the support Sefton Council is providing, local residents who qualify under Liverpool’s new mass testing system, because they work or study in the city, can get tests closer to home. Their results will be available in 24 to 48 hours.