Duration Required For An Air Purifier To Clean A Room

1st April 2024

Breathing fresh and purified air is essential to our health and wellbeing. In today’s world, we are surrounded by many pollutants and allergens that can be harmful to our health. This is where air purifiers come in handy. Air purifiers are designed to clean the air around us and make it free of harmful pollutants. However, how long does it take for an air purifier to clean a room? According to the triad aer website, the working of an air purifier depends on multiple factors like its capability, room size and type of indoor air pollution. 

What Is An Air Purifier?

An air purifier is a device that helps to remove contaminants from the air in a room. These contaminants can include dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, and other airborne particles that can potentially harm our health. Air purifiers work by pulling air through a filter or series of filters, trapping pollutants and releasing cleaner air back into the room.

Factors Influencing Air Purification Time

The time it takes for an air purifier to clean a room depends on several factors. These include the size of the room, the type and efficiency of the air purifier, and the level of pollutants present in the air. Let’s take a closer look at these factors.

Efficiency of the Air Purifier 

The time an air purifier takes to clean a room depends on its efficiency. The efficiency of an air purifier is determined by the CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate). The CADR measures how much clean air an air purifier can deliver in an hour. Typically, air purifiers with a higher CADR have better efficiency and can clean a room faster. However, the room’s size should also be considered when selecting an air purifier.

Room Size

The size of the room you want to purify plays a crucial role in determining how long an air purifier takes to clean a room. The larger the room, the longer it will take for the air purifier to clean the air. So, if you want to purify a large room, you should select an air purifier with a higher CADR rating. However, if you have a small room, you do not necessarily need a high CADR rating.

Speed Settings

Most air purifiers come with different speed settings that allow you to adjust the speed and make the air purifier work faster or slower. If you want to purify the air in your room faster, you can set the air purifier on its highest setting. However, this may also result in more noise, so you should consider your personal preferences when selecting the speed setting.

Air Purifier Maintenance 

If you want your air purifier to work efficiently and quickly, it is essential to maintain it regularly. You should clean the air filters regularly and replace them when needed. A dirty air filter will not only reduce the efficiency of the air purifier but also slow down the time it takes to clean the room.

Tips to Optimize Air Purification

Position your air purifier strategically: 

To get the most out of your air purifier, it is important to position it properly in the room. Place it near a wall or corner for maximum efficiency as this will create a circulation pattern that will help bring more air towards the purifier.

Keep doors and windows closed:

To ensure the air purifier is working effectively, it is important to keep doors and windows closed when using it. This will prevent outside pollutants from entering the room and allow the air purifier to work on cleaning the existing air more efficiently.

Use in combination with other methods: 

While an air purifier is effective at removing airborne contaminants, it can be even more powerful when used in conjunction with other methods. Consider using it alongside dusting, vacuuming and other cleaning methods to maximize the air purifier’s effectiveness.

Regularly clean and change filters:

As mentioned earlier, regularly cleaning and changing the air filters is crucial for maintaining an efficient air purifier. It is recommended to check and clean the filters at least once a month, and replace them every 6-12 months depending on usage.

Keep an eye on the air quality: ‘

Many modern air purifiers come with built-in sensors that monitor the air quality in a room. Pay attention to these readings and adjust the settings of your air purifier accordingly for optimal purification.

Consider the size and coverage area:

 When purchasing an air purifier, make sure to choose one that is suitable for the size and coverage area of the room you plan to use it in. A larger room will require a more powerful air purifier with a higher CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate).

Research different types of filters: 

There are various types of air filters, each designed to target specific pollutants. Do some research on different filter types, such as HEPA, activated carbon, or UV filters to determine which one best suits your needs.

Use during peak pollution times: 

If you live in an area with high levels of air pollution, consider using your air purifier during peak pollution times (such as rush hour) to minimize exposure to harmful pollutants.

In conclusion, the time an air purifier takes to clean a room depends on several factors. The efficiency of the air purifier, the size of the room, the speed setting, and the air purifier’s maintenance are the main factors that affect the time an air purifier takes to clean a room. A higher CADR rating, smaller room size, higher speed settings, and regular maintenance of the air purifier can help you purify the air in your room faster.