Domestic abuse stats ugly reflection on beautiful game says council

17th June 2021

Sefton Council is reminding people across the Borough that domestic abuse – which spikes during football tournaments – is entirely unacceptable.

Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing said: “Incidents of domestic abuse during football tournaments have been seen to increase dramatically with spikes of up to 27% when England World Cup games and 32% when they lost.

“These are shocking statistics and an ugly reflection of the beautiful game, which is entirely unacceptable.

“In an emergency, people should always dial 999 but more information on domestic abuse and organisations that can provide advice and support can be found at”

Cllr Hardy went on to say that domestic abuse can include emotional, physical and sexual abuse and other forms of coercive control.

She continued: “Leaving an abusive relationship can be difficult as the abuser can be very controlling, so it is important that friends and family provide support if they suspect someone is being abused.

“Tell-tale signs can include the person making excuses for their abuser’s behaviour, a high incidence of sickness absence or a nervousness talking openly when their abuser is around.

“If you suspect someone you know is being subject to domestic abuse you should encouraging them to speak to you or a professional about what is going on.”

There is a range of organisations that can provide support, advice and, in some cases, refuge to individuals and families suffering from abuse. Their details can be found at