Dan Lewis to challenge for Formby MP seat

1st May 2017

Southport Councillor Daniel Lewis will stand for the MP’s seat in Formby in a bid to stop a ‘hard brexit’.

Pledging to stop a hard Brexit and give the public the final say on any Brexit deal, local Councillor Daniel Lewis announced his intention to stand as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Sefton Central.

Brexit will feature heavily in his campaign and he has called on all other candidates to support a second referendum meaning the public and not the politicians have the final say on the eventual deal.

“Sefton Central voted overwhelmingly to remain in the European Union. We are an open and tolerant community. Already business people are telling me that Brexit is making it harder for them. Prices are rising and investors are uncertain what the future holds.” said Councillor Daniel Lewis

On a local level Councillor Lewis also highlighted his opposition to development on Greenbelt sites across the constituency had been going down well on the doorstep. Councillor Lewis along with Liberal Democrats and independent councillors vote against plans to release Greenbelt land for development last week.

His other priorities include protection the schools budget where the Tories are currently planning to cut almost £18m from Sefton and to stop the downgrading of Southport & Formby A&E to an elderly and frail unit.