Crypto News: Experts Predict $512 by 2030 for Solana

26th August 2022

These days crypto news has changed their tone to a more positive one. Holding Solana for the next few years is not a bad idea as it is likely to rise to about $166 by 2025 and $512 by 2030, a group of top crypto experts have predicted. 

The prediction which painted a positive future for HOLDing Solana was made by the panel that researched Finder’s latest price prediction report.

Finder noted that the prediction was based on a review of several weekly and quarterly surveys. 

“Our larger quarterly survey, last conducted in July 2022, asks a panel of 54 industry experts for their thoughts on how Solana will perform over the next decade,” the company wrote about the report. 

A review of the report indicated that the experts prediction for Solana by the end of this year is that it will be worth $45, a figure that represents a significant rise to the fall that the token has recorded amid a market wide meltdown. 

Details regarding how its experts arrived at their conclusion indicated that the stability of the token was central to their premises. 

“Stability is one of the major concerns SOL is facing as it is still running on a testnet until the launch of the Solana Mainnet,” Finder wrote. 

“While the Solana Mainnet will supposedly stop the power outages, our panel isn’t confident, with 69% saying they expect SOL to continue having power outages. Just 6% say that SOL will fix the issue.”

On a comparative note to previous reports that predicted Solana’s future, the latest by Finder is significantly bearish. 

Take for instance, in a January report, experts had predicted that the SOL would rise to 222 by year-end before reaching $486 in 2025 and $1,267 in 2030. The 2030 prediction of the latest report is less than 50% of this finding. 

However, it is important to note that the latest report represents the average prediction of the various experts. 

Speaking on the prediction, Panxora Hedge Fund general partner Gavin Smith, who was one of the experts with a relatively higher hopes about SOL’s future, maintained the the price of SOL to hit $76 this year. 

He explained that his prediction is based one SOL’s position as one of the leading contenders in the smart contract blockchain space. 

“They are likely to be one of the chief beneficiaries if the Ethereum upgrades fail to deliver lower transaction fees,” he said. 

Another expert on the panel, Paul Levy opined that this is the right time to buy Solana. 

Levy, who is a Senior lecturer at University of Brighton, predicted that it will hit $60 due partly to its strong community.

“There has been favorable comment from the tech community about Solana’s stability and its efficient performance. This could underpin it as a safe bet as long as continued development and consistency is achieved,” he said.