A Crime Alert for the residents of Southport from Merseyside Police

21st September 2018
Merseyside - A Crime Alert for the residents of North Sefton from Merseyside Police

A Crime Alert for the residents of Southport from Merseyside Police.


Between the 12th and the 20th September burglaries or attempted burglaries have taken place in the following locations:

Wennington Road, Hampton Road, Waterloo Road, Chambres Road, Rookery Road, Bath Street, Kingfisher Court.

For more information about keeping your home and property safe please visit http://www.merseyside.police.uk/protecting-you/interactive-crime-prevention.aspx or call Merseyside Police on 101.

So to help keep homes safe this winter take heed of the following advice:

Remember to lock all your doors and windows, even if you are at home (make sure you know where the keys are)

Hide all your valuables – including car keys – away from prying eyes

Fit outside security lighting Remove all tools, ladders and other implements from your garden as these can be used to break into your property

Review your boundary security, make sure your gates and fences are in good condition and that outbuildings, sheds and gates have sturdy locks.

Be nosey – report any suspicious people or vehicles in your neighbourhood. Many crimes are thwarted and people arrested after members of the public report unusual or suspicious activity to the police.

Add up the value of all your belongings, then work out how much you spend on keeping them secure

People who have UPVC doors are reminded to fully secure them. If you simply lift the handle you will NOT fully engage all of the locks into the frame.

You MUST also double lock the door using the key. Remember to remove the key from the door once it is locked and leave it in a close and easily accessible place in case of emergency. Do NOT leave it on view where it can be seen and fished through the letterbox.

Don’t advertise new items you may have bought such as electrical equipment to people by leaving the empty boxes outside your home.

Try to dispose of the packaging carefully by taking it to a recycling centre or keep it out of sight until the day your rubbish is collected All your valuable property should be marked with a UV pen and you should keep a record of the serial numbers.

This can help make it easier for you to be reunited with your property if you are the victim of a burglary and the items are recovered During the dark nights, use a light timing device to switch the lights on (ensuring your blinds/curtains are drawn)

Don’t leave your car keys on display (on window ledges/worktops) and don’t leave them by your door/windows etc Always lock your windows and doors. If you haven’t got windows locks, you are advised to get window locks fitted. If you have window locks – use them Don’t leave your keys in the back of the door lock

Always check your front and back door are secure even if you are in, burglaries can often occur via insecure back doors whilst residents are at home watching television

Secure your shed and garage properly.

Don’t leave tools lying around these could be used to help offenders gain entry to your home

Security mark all your home and garden equipment with full postcode using a UV marker pen or permanent marker.

This can help make it easier for victims to be reunited with your property if you are the victim of a burglary and the items are recovered