Council’s Talbot Street Shop Phone Mast Refusal is Overturned by Planning Inspector

25th September 2017
Local campaigner David Barton

Council’s Talbot Street Shop Phone Mast Refusal is Overturned by Planning Inspector

An attempt by residents of the Belmont Street area to have a Vodaphone phone mast erection on the Talbot Street One-Stop shop prevented has been overturned by a government planning inspector.

Sefton Council had backed the residents who wanted the mast to be put elsewhere but Government Planning Inspector A J Mageean BA (Hons) BPl PhD MRTPI says in his report that:

“Overall my view is that there is sufficient distraction in the local streetscene to ensure that the addition of the slim and static monopole would not dominate or cause significant harm to outlook for the residents of these properties.”

and adds that:

“The National Planning) Framework sets out Government planning policy for supporting high quality communications infrastructure, which is essential for sustainable economic growth and plays an important role in the provision of local community services and facilities.”

“In this case the harm found in relation to some aspects of the siting and appearance of this proposal would be significantly outweighed by the benefits provided by the improved network coverage and capacity for the local community, business and visitors to this area.”


“the need for this facility is not disputed, this must be balanced against the harm identified.

“Whilst I have accepted that the monopole would stand out and not readily assimilate into the character of the area when viewed from some directions, the impact of this harm would be on a relatively small scale in terms of its nature and extent. Balanced against this is the fact that this proposal would support the identified need for telecommunication infrastructure to provide mobile coverage over a wider area.”

“On this basis I conclude that the modest degree of harm in relation to the character and appearance of this area would be outweighed by the need to site the installation in the location proposed, having had regard to the potential availability of alternative sites.”

“I conclude that this appeal should be allowed. There is no authority in such cases to apply any further conditions beyond the deemed conditions for development by electronic telecommunications code operators.”

The Inspector also found the Sefton Planning Committee to be unrealistic in what it expected of Vodaphone in terms of trying to impose conditions if the mast was erected. He concludes by saying:

“it is not possible to impose the condition suggested by the Council relating to the painting of the monopole in terms of the proportions to be used for the agreed colours.”

A good signal rejected by a united local neighbourhood